So soon, probably during the end of this post or somewhere in
tomorrow’s post, I’m going to pass the half-million word mark on This is a bit inflated
because I incorporated the posts from tealart a couple of years ago,
and some of that material includes quotes and links that I don’t
think should count toward the site’s word count odometer. But there
you have it, and in any case this is a milestone, that’s worth
There’s a quote out there along the lines of “everyone has a million
words of crap in them before they get to the good stuff.” If we count
the writing I do here, this means I’m getting close. If we count blog
posts and academic writing, I think I’m probably well into the “good
stuff.” I suppose some of that is up to you.
I wrote a “journal”-type post about myself and what I was up to beyond
what I blog about here (and a few of my posts since then have veered
in that direction, alas). While these used to be the “easy posts” that
I would just sort of blather out a year ago,
1 I don’t feel like
I miss them.
I’m doing well. I have a lot on my plate, and a lot of “loose ends”
floating around that are causing some stress, but I really can’t
complain. Just for grins the things I’m working on right now:
Fiction Writing
Station Keeping, Season 2 (about 5 thousand more words to go).
The Novel, (half done, 4-5 more months till first draft; leaving 3
months for rewrites, and a podcast launch in August.)
Trailing Edge. (Hibernating. 3k more words, and then scores of
Open Source Research
I’m working on turning the research project that’s been sort of
sputtering along into something more coherent on a number of
different levels. I’m not ready to announce this exactly but it
Writing lots of emails. Lots of emails.
Turn a fairly linear paper into a wiki.
Collect a more complete bibliography file.
Website things
Get Critical Futures back on track. Redesign project. Not to mention writing for the site
like I do.
Something for the open source project described above.
Life things
I probably have half a dozen small/midsized trips this
year. Knitting things, dancing things, work things, science
fiction things. That’s a lot of stress there.
I’m going to be moving this summer.
For someone who views himself as being a shut-in mostly, I do a
lot of stuff “out:” dancing 3 times a week, singing from time to
time, and so forth.
Knitting things
The grandmother shawl, plus two other lace shawls in progress.
My starm*re cable sweater. I’m 20% done with it. That’s not very
The color-work sweater that just needs another sleeve.
So that’s what’s on my plate. I really need to start knocking this
stuff out.
Will this blog be around in another half million words? I figure that
that means that I’d have to keep up doing this for another three or
three and a half years, at my current rate. It could happen. It could
definitely happen.
I’ll see you on the other side.
It was a dark time. I’m better now. Mostly. ↩
Originally published at
tychoish. You can comment here or