I’m not a programmer, really. I mean I’m a huge geek, and I understand
some pretty heavy computer-science related problems, but coding isn’t
what I do. This is true of a lot of computer users these days, and it
wouldn’t be such a big deal if I weren’t such a huge geek about open
source software. I suspect that most of the users of open source
software these days aren’t that different than me in this
respect-though many are programmers, in most cases they probably
don’t make active use of the source code of the software they
1 This realization probably sounds familiar to some, as I’ve been trying
to pull apart the contemporary modifications for open source
software. One obvious answer to this question is, “freedom:” that open
source software provides its users an non-tangible freedom and power
over their interactions with technology. I’ve
posted about why I
think this is imprecise and while I need to spend time
developing this argument further, there’s some merit.
Another possibility is that open source represents a rethinking of
intellectual property that is appealing, and that “free software” is
an adjunct of a “free culture” movement. While this is an interesting
theory and a good story, certainly there are parallels, I’m not sure
that it’s the case. I don’t know if free culture movements (like
wikipedia and creative commons) and free/open source software grow out
of the same kinds of historical moments, or share anything more than
inspirations and morphology. More pondering is required.
I’ve always seen Creative Commons as a sort of “legal activism,” to
provide mechanisms to push laws to reflect the realities of
copyright in digital spaces. Creative Commons isn’t a technological
advancement, but rather a formal account for extant practices. That
is, consumers of a CC license aren’t able to do anything (except
potentially access) with a covered work that they couldn’t do with a
conventionally protected work.
The same is not true of nearly all open source software. A free/open
source software license makes certain rights available to the users of
that software that they’d never have otherwise. Always. Even though we
don’t often take advantage of this accessible source code, it strikes
me that “intellectual property reform” doesn’t really cover why people
are either contributing to open source or using open
source. Additionally, there are relatively few-that I’m aware
of-Creative Commons projects/works that are themselves
collaborative, which presents another contrast between these two
modes. While most FOSS projects originate with a single author, all
successes create communities. I’m not sure that the same life cycle
exists in “free culture” works.
Open source is successful in a way that “closed source/encumbered
freeware” has never really been, outside of some moment-to-moment
bubbles. I think this point about “community,” and the mode of
authorship is a huge part of what makes open source attractive and
vibrant moving forward. Not the only reason, of course, but a key
contributor. Works with creative commons licenses are “X by Author,
released under CC license,” whereas open source projects eventually
become “X is GPL’ed,” even if key original authors are well known
as Linus is for Linux or Dries is for Drupal.
This is important. I’m not sure yet how, but that’s what makes this
whole ‘blog thing interesting. There are other arguments too, but
this is a start.
The truth is that as programs become more complex, code
bases grow older, and the lion’s share of the current generation of
programmers has grown up on pretty high level languages and problem
spaces, even among the technically sophisticated there aren’t a lot of
people who are standing around ready to hack on a project with several
thousand lines of C code. ↩
Originally published at
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