Goodbye BayCon. I hope to come back. I really really do.

Jan 10, 2010 14:42

Erik Bigglestone delivered and read the following letter at the BayCon Staff Meeting on January 10th, 2010. In the interest of full disclosure, I have been asked to forward this to the staff email list. While I did not write this letter, I endorse Mr. Bigglestone's message.

As an added note:

Those of us involved in this all took our concerns and issues to
Michael and the BoD back at the beginning of November, and made clear
our intentions to leave on this date if appreciable progress towards
solving the issues was not made. We have not seen any of the proof we
requested towards that progress, and thus feel we had no alternative
but to take this course of action.

Ole Petersen
BayCon 2010
Hotel Division Manager
Chairman BayCon 2009

* * * * * * * * * *

What I am about to read is a statement of certain facts. I am not opening a conversation or debate, and I will not here and now offer an opportunity for questions to be asked of me.

As of today, I, Erik Bigglestone, am resigning my position as Administrative Division Manager. The following individuals have joined me in this decision:

Erik Bigglestone - Administration Division Head
Meredith Branstad - Publications Division Head
Stephen Nelson - Publications Division Second
Ole "Tycho" Petersen - Hotel Division Head
Kimberly Allbee - Programming Division Head
Daniel Van Den Broeke - Programming Division Second
Matthew Branstad - Operations Division Second
Jim "Sylvan" Sullivan - Programming Event Manager
Megan "Megs" O'Neil - Programming Operations Department Head
Kelly Gallagher - Programming Operations Staff
Alicia Terra - Programming Operations Staff
Cindi Somebody Cabal - Registration Department Head
Kirsten Berry - Registration Department Second
Christine Doyle - Registration Staff
Donna Leaf - Registration Staff
Karl Thiessen - Registration IT Department Head
Terrance Seddon - Registration IT Department Staff
Steve Libbey - Newsletter Department Head
Tim Bowman - Decorations Department Head
Sandy Benson - Family Friendly Department Head

None of us has arrived at this moment without extensive soul-searching, stressful reflection and lengthy discussions about the ramifications of our decision. We all consider the BayCon community -- staff, attendees and guests -- to be our extended family, and are well aware that our decision to end our involvement in making the convention happen will make the process more difficult on those of you who remain. Our action will likely negate the possibility for a future relationship with BayCon, and may cause the loss of friendships that -- in my case, at least -- have existed literally my entire life.

I say all these things because it is important that you understand how difficult a decision it was, and how serious our reasons for resignation are. I will not go into extensive detail here, but there are two key points:
First, there are serious problems at the corporate level of this organization, with continued failures to correct or adequately address these problems by the board of directors of Artistic Solutions -- the corporation that owns the convention. These problems include a lack of financial oversight over several years, which has resulted in multiple years' worth of taxes not having been paid on time. This tax situation has caused a suspension of the corporation's legal right to do business in the state of California. This suspension began prior to BayCon 2008 and has not yet been resolved. Additionally, several bills are now in arrears, in one case for as long as 180 days.

Second, we have lost all confidence in both the leadership ability and business ethics of Michael Siladi. He has proven himself time and again to be untrustworthy and unreliable when handling or providing information regarding the convention's finances, and unconcerned for the consequences to others of his actions. In many situations regarding the quiet ejections or resignations of former staff members, he has publicly spun facts about such situations to his own benefit. Repeated promises and commitments that he has made to resolve issues -- or at the very least to update us on the status of his attempts to do so -- have been unceremoniously broken with no credible explanations offered. For the good of the convention, we believe Michael should make good on the multiple promises he has made in the past to resign from the corporation's board of directors.

I want to make it absolutely clear that our resignation is in no way a response to the choice of Robert Toland as chairman of BayCon 2010. He is the unfortunate victim of issues completely beyond his control, and we fully support him personally and the work he has done as chairman. Neither do we place any blame on the remaining executive staff or any of the rest of you. Because we have no desire to require any of you to start from scratch, we will make ourselves available until the evening of Sunday, January 24th for the purpose of providing information and resources to whomever takes over our responsibilities. As mentioned earlier, we are fully aware that our resignations may mark the end of any future involvement with BayCon and Artistic Solutions. We all support BayCon as an entity and an event, however, and -- if welcome -- many of us will be glad to return once the aforementioned issues are resolved to our satisfaction.

We're not happy about this, so we're leaving now and will not likely be available for the rest of the day. If anyone has any questions they'd like answered, requires additional details or just wants to hang out at some point, you almost certainly know how to contact us, but please understand that we may take a bit of time to respond. As there are always at least two sides to any disagreement we strongly encourage you to stay and listen to whatever Michael, Robert or the remaining executive staff has to say. Thank you for your attention, and good luck.

Erik Bigglestone
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