Well, like the title says, I've bene away from typing stuff into my liveJournal for waaaaayyyy too long.
At any sort, I've discovered Winamp Radios of sorts, mostly Anime stuff. On the other hand, I have more english stuff on my RealPlayer. Either way, it works out. Well, I'm happy with how my music is going with the radio crap.
On the other hand, with my actualy downloading of music, it's a bit frustrating for me. I don't really use Napster. It just never occured to me to download and use it. *shrugs* I'm just that way. Instead, I search the Web and download off html or ftp sites. Works for me, except I've discovered that d/ling off ftp sites is definitely not a clever idea.
So, went and saw Moulin Rouge today. Quite good movie actually. Better than I thought it would be. Wraps up fairly neatly in my opinion. And I really like the music. Well, the can Can music in the beginning and especially the Tango music. Loved that. invited Diana along, but she said when i rang her up over my mobile, that she wouldn't be able to coem because of moving or something like that. I dunno, the receiving end of her conversation was a bit fuzzy.
And yeah, I got me a mobile. Finally succumbed to the mounting pressures of doing so. Pathetic, I know.
Too bad. Oh well.
Anyway, back to Diana. The paranoid side of me, thinks that she's pushing me away because she doesn't really like me. Perhaps she's moving into her new life at Uni quite well. I have no idea. Okay, that's a little TOO paranoid for even me. But the evidence keeps on pounding what little optimism I have left in my body.
Yeah, optimsim. Freaky, ain't it ?
Uni life has definitely changed who I am.
It scares me in it's own way. But I'll get back to that. Everytime I ask Diana to join me and my friends in anything, she says "Yes", then she either doesn't turn up, or rings me and says she can't come. I mean, I know she's a social butterfly, but she really pushes my what little tenures I have at patience and optimism at times.
Back to Uni life. Everything has it's ups and downs. I believe that maybe I've been running quite the rubber-band theory into teh tground. Can't really explain why.
Been reading the DUNE series all over again. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Frank Herbert is a genius. However, I do agree with Daniel Reeders in saying that his son, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson, are running the prelude crap into the ground. It just lacks the whole overtones of "plan wihtin plan within plan"... well not really, lacks the whole crypticalness which Frank showed. Or rather the mystery. You can't see all the shots coming in when Frank writes stuff. On the other hand Brian & Kevin make things almost blatantly obvious in their own way. It's a very veyr clumsy, crude attempt to recreate what Frank planned. Sure, it's got the footprints, but that's it. Those two really aren't fulfilling the shoes very well. Perhaps they just have far too big shoes to fill.
I feel bad about Diana now. I really shouldn't bad mouth her so much. We were good friends before. Now everything just accelerated and I dunno, things got different. Of course, different is good or bad depending on one's perspective. Perhaps I really should get over her. I'm really beating myself into the groundabout her. It's just really nto so good for me when everything boils down.
I can't really think of what else I should write down. Times are changing too fast for the conservative ways my mother has installed in me. DAMN her. I try my rebelilion, but the home life has simply imprinted crap into my head. DAMN IT ALL.
Anyway, I've been looking up some stuff on
The Webtender . Discovered that Absinth is 63% alcohol. Thats' the strongest alcoholic pure drink I know of. Green Chatreuse is 55%, while Yellow Chartreuse is only 43%. Tequila is a measly 40% compared to them.
Dammit, Can't think. Gonna read a bit before going to sleep.