Nov 09, 2007 14:34
So it's been quite some time since I last posted. Apologies to those who have come to rely upon my general musings to provide them with a modicum of entertainment, procrastination and a good excuse to wreck their diminishing eyesight.
In general, I was busy over the course of a few weeks just spending time with my Father whilst he was over here in Melbourne. I only see him once every few months or so, and it's a good cause to really sit down & spend time with him. That said, to go from a fairly independent lifestyle (despite living with one's sister) to one spending 24 hours of the day with a respected member of your close-knit family, it's something of a major life adjustment. Not to say that I didn't go out and have fun whilst he was here, more along the lines that I was... well a little too tied up to properly update this excuse for a blog.
But here I am with some time on this ... bewildering Friday day in Melbourne. Sunny one moment, then a freak shower coming on down. Looking out this excuse of a window & blinds, I can see this sudden downpour of moisture falling from the skies. Ok, it's laying off for the moment. And as welcome a relief from the over-abundance of pollen in the air that sudden spit has caused, I can't help but wonder if the humidity tonight will be one of near-Malaysia proportions.
Nothing like a sudden rise in humidity to cast one's mind back to the epic proportions of heat & humidity which one experienced only oh-so-short a time ago. Nothing like going back to one's genetic background to gain new appreciation of Melbourne's weather despite its complete unpredictability. Taking a quick gaze at the weather application of Facebook, I can only see a vague reference towards cloudy nature, not precipitation. In actual fact, the so-called "up to date" forecast for today is saying it's only a balmy 24 degrees Celsius and meant to only have "a haze"... Some haze!
But enough of my weather bitching. Let's talk music.
Specifically, I'd like to refer to the music I've been hearing in television series that I particularly enjoy. Recently I noticed that some of the music being played in the latest episodes of Life (cop drama) was rather catchy and, dare I say it? I do dare... Modern! Thus, I wondered what was playing and looked up some of the lyrics. Thus I encountered the artists known as Gram Rabbit. Not be mistaken as a gram of a Rabbi. ... Which isn't a band so much as it is a rather creepy concept. Nonetheless their music was quite enjoyable, as was the one of the criminals one of their songs introduced. Quite aptly played.
Thoroughly enjoying what I found on Youtube, I decided to take a meander on down to the local music store and discover whether they truly could hold to that ideal that they have every sort of artist within their considerable music collection. And it's quite a large selection in hindsight. Though admittedly it's not exactly the "local" store, I did have to head on down to Camberwell to make such inquiries. Imagine to my surprise that Gram Rabbit indeed was not on the radar of this renowned store with black on yellow logo.
But once again, I digress. I was curious to ponder how the music editors of television shows comes across songs and how they chose to implant them into their show. If memory of DVD extras serve me correctly, some are created on the spot, or recycled continually through the entire lifespan of the series (IE: Stargate). But Life at this point in time has displayed a plethora of up-to-date modern references. NCIS consists of little ditties created by a small number of composers which for some reason favours the xylophone and the glockenspiel as the base riff for such tunes. Mathematically speaking, there shall be a day when there is no more music, that we have exhausted all the possibilities which the combination of notes can create. But by that same reckoning, there's also those who believe that we cannot come up with any new maths.
Mathematics and Music have been called the two sides of the same coin. I really wish I could recall who precisely said that, but memory and brain cells have escaped me time and time again. Usually through imbibing excess amounts of alcohol, but more often through getting my head whacked by various hands and surfaces.
Anyway, I seriously don't expect most people to actually make their way through so many words. I suppose it's only an exercise in showing off my typing skills and a small gander towards my vocabulary & imagination. Or better yet, just getting back into the feel of typing away at the keyboard for purposes other than work. So I bid you all adieu and well wishes for a fun (and safe if that's what works for you) Friday evening. I'm off to prep for mine. ^_~
P.S. To those new folks who are unused to my rambling ways, welcome! ^_^ Hope you enjoy you stay.
real life