Oddly enough, over the past few posts I've been receiving answers to questions I've placed out there. It's rather ego-stroking and appreciated on more than one level.
So here's the next one.
Girl I've been interested in for the past couple of weeks refuses to reply to my inquiries to whether or not we should catch up over some drinks. She's answered just a couple to say yes she's interested, but calls a couple of hours later to cancel any meet-up because "she can't be bothered" or something has come up. Now I can accept that people are busy little individuals and plans do change, but every single time I've tried to set something up it's gone belly up.
So here's the question for all you advice-filled folks out there. Should I bother? Should I try to get this girl's attention before she flits away like a Attention Deficit Disorder child who sees a bright flashy light, or should I distance myself and let her come to me? If she ever stops chasing those pretty, bright, flashy lights.
Oh, and here's something to webpimp:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLTLbwT5CKcAs stolen from
buhfly who has been brutally traumatized by it. I'm sharing it with the world because it had me clutching my sides with hilarity and amusement. ... And so Fuu (
sw_inku ) has some more ... uh... I'm searching for a word which goes with inspiration but has traumatic overtones in the hairy, muscles men sort of way. Not that she really needs inspiration.
Anyway, food and drink beckons and I'm loathe to resist Thursday night drinks.
P.S. Thanks to the advice to the previous question, I do believe I shall attend Shea's party as a musical/internet pirate. ^___^