So I was watching some of the "20 Years of Rage" special on Friday night after I came home from watching Swan Lake with Shea. They'd made their way up into the early '90's. Well, they had some Blur, Nirvana and David Grohl talking about his favorite song of the early '90's. Fairly nostalgic for me admittedly. I must say that it is a bit odd feeling being on the cusp between Generation X & Generation Y. As I understand it, Generation X pretty much those who were teenagers during the '90's and Generation Y covers those who were became teenagers in the new Millennium, correct?
See I was technically a teenager about the mid 90's, but I carried over just into the new Millennium of my ... formative years shall we say? As it is, I don't think I've grown up that much from my teenage years. So should I consider myself a Generation X because I spent the majority of it there? Or more because I really don't understand everything teenagers do these days: The rise of Emotional Kids and wannabe-punks. The inherent reliance upon Myspace... no wait I can kinda understand that given how reliant I used to be upon Livejournal. But this fashion towards tight jeans, or even those guys out there who think that to get it really nice and tight to show off their legs and pert buttocks one should wear figure-hugging women's jeans... yeah concepts such at those are ones that I just can't seem to grasp.
One major bone for me to pick with Generation Y is their
frequent degradation of the English language going from the Internet to real life situations. Personally I think what is online should stay online. Unfortunately this doesn't hold true to many others. I think I terrified an acquaintance a number of weeks ago when she exclaimed the term "LOL" to show her amusement at a joke I was entertaining the general group of friends with. If looks could kill... well let's just say that the intensity of the greasy I was giving her would throw a grenade on her cemetery's plot just for extra insurance.
But perhaps I shouldn't blame Generation Y like an old fogey. They can't help it after all, just look at how
many of the world's leading authorities keep them happy. It does seem to be the thing to do for kids these days. I think Weezer's "We Are All On Drugs" is particularly apt to the situation.
Jumping back from my digression, I managed to stumble across the video-clip for the Bloodhound Gang's "Fire Water Burn", as I was munching down on some rather late supper. I so thoroughly enjoyed that particular music video clip, that I thought what else would be a good idea but to dig out my ol' CDs of the Bloodhound Gang and finally get them onto my computer. I must say, it's a case of music which one liked before but just got left on the CD rack simply because one doesn't have the inclination to listen to them for some time, but then they get that dusting off and are shiny & new with a slight tinge of familiarity.
Granted, I didn't actually listen much to music in the early nineties apart from Classical Orchestral pieces. Must have been around the same time Andie introduced me to music of the modern kind that I finally got out and started gathering all that I could to expand my musical horizons. Thus the Living End, Powderfinger, Placebo, Rage Against the Machine and even yes, Metallica was added to my collection. And so on it goes. I still find it mildly incredible that despite having used music for hundreds if not thousands of years that we can still come up with new songs. Though I did hear at a conversation once ( Bear with me because it was a very long time ago and I was typically drunk ) that "music and mathematics are so closely aligned but both continue to this day and age, and will hopefully long into the future, to be innovative and creative to the point of beauty that can make people cry."
Anyway, that's enough from me for now.