Severus, Redux: Chapter Twenty-Seven

Sep 17, 2016 09:12

A couple notes before we begin: A helpful anonymous reviewer pointed out after the last chapter that as of this time, Severus is still three weeks (twenty days to be exact) short of the wizarding age of majority of seventeen, and yet is engaging in sexual acts. This is correct, and while some may disapprove, it is not illegal, as the age of consent in the UK (and many other nations/states/provinces) is sixteen. As I have already included graphic sex in the warnings for this story (see above), I did not think further warning was required. For those of you who disagree, here is your warning: more sex to follow, he is still sixteen for twenty more days.

Which brings us to the note number two. In preparation for writing this and the last chapter, I polled several people (both male and female) about their own first experiences. The result that came back was clear in only one way: everyone is different. Everyone had different levels of apprehension, enjoyment and/or pain. I ask that you please bear this in mind, and do not read this chapter with the expectation that it will perfectly match your personal experience.

Chapter Twenty-Seven:(In which there is conversation and the loss of virginity.)

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, 20 December 1996, 11:38 PM

Hermione slowly rose up over Severus, the thick and slightly bitter taste of him still on her tongue. It was odd to think of him that way after so many months. His eyes were closed; his lashes looked impossibly long and dark against his pale cheeks. She was determined to not be asinine and ask if she had done it right--he had clearly enjoyed himself. She couldn't help but watch him, however, looking for some indication of approval from him.

Slowly his eyes opened and rewarded her with a sleepy, wondering expression. "That was… you are incredible," he murmured, gently pulling her down on the bed next to him. He frowned a little. "I didn't expect you to, you know."

"I know," Hermione reassured him. "I wanted to. I mean, I was nervous, but I wanted to please you."

"And it was...okay?"

Gratified that he was concerned about her feelings, Hermione answered honestly. "It was not quite what I expected. My jaw is a bit sore, and I didn't expect there to be quite so much of it." She hastily added, "but I did enjoy it, too. I felt powerful, and I rather liked that. I loved the way it made you moan. I think 'Jesus and all his Catholic saints' was my favourite bit." She laughed.

"Oh, hell. I said that out loud?" His pale skin flushed as she nodded. "My father used to say that. He grew up in a very religious family, but after he met my mum... Well, 'thou shalt not suffer a witch to live,' and all that. Then the mill shut down and he lost his job, started drinking and… Mum used to try to get him to go to AA meetings, and he would joke that the alcohol was the remedy, not the disease."

"That sounds like it was hard."

Severus shrugged, his eyes glancing away. "There was a lot of shouting and arguing, but not so bad as Madam Pomfrey used to think. I think she thought my father was abusive, but he wasn't, really. I mean, he smacked or backhanded us a few times. I broke my arm once because of it, but he didn't mean to do that."

Hermione remained silent, not wanting to contradict him by saying that it sounded rather abusive to her. It must be hard to condemn your own father, after all, however much he might deserve it. Severus' gaze caught hers, and he said exasperatedly, "Look, it really wasn't that bad. I knew a kid a street over that almost never went to school because he spent the better half of the year with black eyes. My dad wasn't perfect, but he was mostly alright, so long as I stayed out of the way."

"When did your parents die?" she asked softly, stroking a hand through his hair.

"My mum died last year... Well, you know what I mean. Last year for me. About two months before I got here." He was quiet for a moment. "She was murdered."

"I'm so sorry, I wish I had known. Was it… was it Death Eaters?"

He looked startled. "No! No, of course not. I was trying to join them wasn't I?" He shook his head. "It was Muggles, believe it or not. Just a bunch of stupid Muggle burglars that broke in, looking for cash and jewelry, or something. They beat her and...and they left her for dead. Dad came home from the pub and found her. They stole her wedding ring and a few pieces of jewelry she had. That's how the bastards got caught: they tried to sell her jewelry. It just made me that much more certain that Lord… You-Know-Who's rhetoric was to be listened to. If she'd had her wand..."

"I'm sorry," Hermione repeated. "What about your dad? How did he die?"

"He's still alive, actually. I asked the professor when I first got here. He said my--our--father was living in a home somewhere and doesn't remember he has a son. He's just past seventy... that's getting older for a Muggle. Professor Snape says I'm not to tell anyone he's even alive; I'm pretty sure he pretends Dad is dead."

Professor Snape's understanding and assistance with obliviating and re-enchanting the memories of Hermione's own parents over the summer made sudden, blinding sense. He'd likely done the same thing to his own father, she realised. The memory of his words and the even tone he had used floated back to her.

"I would relieve them of their memories, were it me, but I am not considered a sentimental man by most." Sentimental or not, Professor Snape did feel. He still cared enough about his abusive father that he had protected him from Voldemort. Despite his hard and sour demeanor, he was still essentially the same person as the man in bed with her. Hermione stroked a hand through his hair. "You can trust me," she whispered, silently meaning the promise for both men.

Severus smiled faintly. "I know. I do." Then his expression became wicked and he rolled on top of her. A hand stroked down her skin, scattering her serious thoughts. His hips rocked deliberately against hers, his penis rapidly hardening against her stomach with the stimulation. "I find," he stressed the word, drawing it out slowly, "that I no longer wish to talk about my parents. I think I'd rather play with you."

Her body humming, Hermione sucked in a breath and gave him a surprised look. "Already?"

"Hmmmm, how could I not, with such a delectable, sexy, nearly-naked witch in my arms?" He nibbled at her throat, scraping his teeth just under her ear. "I do believe it is now my turn to make you come." His lips glided down her collarbone, and he whispered against her skin, "If that is acceptable to you, milady?"

The quiet rumble of his words was titillating and desire suddenly flared to life in her again, hot and sweet. Slowly, she drew a leg up his, the thin nylon of her stockings catching and dragging against his leg hair. It felt intimate, and a shiver rippled through her. She smoothed her foot back down his leg again, luxuriating in the sensation. "How do you propose to do that, Severus?" His name was sibilant on her lips, provocative.

His groan seemed to come from low in his chest, and he caught the tip of one breast in his mouth, briefly tugging on it with his lips before answering. "I want to touch all of you, taste all of you. From here," he raised his head and pressed a kiss to her temple, "all the way to your toes." He slanted her a look from under his lashes. "If that's alright with you."

An anticipatory frisson of delight sizzled through her. Hermione murmured assent, sighing as his lips started pressing open, sensual kisses to her throat and jaw. Her skin prickled with arousal, breasts tightening painfully and seeming to echo in the ache between her thighs. Eager, she turned her head to meet his mouth with hers. It was a thorough, deep and utterly intoxicating kiss. The slide of his tongue against hers and the heat of his body was addictive, and hungrily she gripped him closer, rubbing herself against him.

His weight shifted back and suddenly he was sitting upright, staring down at her and running his hands lightly over her thighs. His eyes followed the length of her body down, his scrutiny as palpable as a touch. She was so primed by the heated expression he wore that when his hands followed the path his eyes had taken, it set her skin immediately afire.

His touch was magic. Not the warm, controlled magic of using her wand, but a primal crackling of electricity along her nerve endings. Long-fingered and gentle, he devastatingly mapped the curves of her shoulders, arms and breasts. A hot, curling sensation unfurled in her stomach as he lifted one arm and guided it to his mouth, tracing the inside of her elbow with his tongue. Smiling at her wickedly, he followed the line of her arm and kissed the centre of her palm. Each finger was drawn slowly into his mouth with a slow sucking motion, his tongue flicking at the sensitive pads of her fingers. The tugging sensation made her involuntarily clench her thighs in need, tightening about his hips, and her breath left her in another soft sigh.

"Severus…" She mewled.


"Please," she said, not entirely sure what she was asking for.

"I will," he answered. "Just as soon as I'm finished here. This is the first time I've had the chance to really touch and taste you; I want to take my time." He replaced her arm and lifted the other, beginning to repeat the process.

Hermione heard herself whimper in answer, and she lifted herself up, removing her arm in order to wrap them both around him instead. He had been kneeling between her thighs; now she sat with her legs splayed on either side of him, his hands delving into her hair stroking her back as their kiss intensified.

"You are determined to distract me, aren't you," he murmured against her mouth.

"Hmmmm. I like kissing you."

Severus caressed her sides again, palming her breasts and lifting them slightly. A blissful, happy expression flitted across his face and his head dipped to her breasts again. His tongue traced a long, lazy spiral around each nipple, bussing the tip gently before closing around it and sucking hard.

Hermione gasped, shifting restlessly against him and then winced a little as his teeth used a little too much pressure. She pulled away from him gently and he followed, the movement overbalanced them and they fell back against the pillows of the bed again. Severus caught himself above her on his elbows, crooning a soft apology.

His long hair fell down around her, brushing against her forehead. She tenderly tucked it behind his ears, running her thumbs along his cheekbones. His eyes closed at the gesture, is breath leaving in a ragged puff. They opened again, and the heat in them nearly took her breath away.

Slowly, without speaking, he slid down her body, scraping his teeth against her breasts more gently, grazing her ribs and slowly licking down the line of her stomach to her navel. He paused briefly to admire the suspender belt she had daringly purchased specifically for the party, his appreciation obvious. He hummed his approval, and she couldn't help but murmur, "I saw it in one of Parvarti's catalogues, and I thought you might like it."

He grinned wickedly. "You planned on taking your clothes off for me, did you?"

She blushed. "I considered it a distinct possibility."

"It's sexy as Circe, but I'm going to take it off you now," he informed her. He fumbled with the clasps, and looked so proud of himself when all the hooks and snaps came free that she couldn't help but smile.

Severus tossed the garment on the floor, tugging at her nylons until they, too, were off. He studied her for a moment, then whispered, "You're so beautiful… I can't believe you want this... me. Any minute now, I'm going to wake up, and this will all have been an incredible dream."

Hermione lifted a hand and placed it against his jaw, then tugged a lock of his hair. "I'm not a dream, Severus." Her voice sounded husky and enticing, even to her. It thrilled her that she could sound that way; that she could cause his lids to drop in lust. He bent back to his task, skimming lips and tongue along the newly revealed skin of her hips and thighs. His breath ghosted over her still-knicker-clad quim and she squirmed, bucking a little in silent request.

Severus' eyebrow winged up a little, and he stroked a finger over her knickers softly, rubbing her clitoris gently. She groaned loudly, the sound startling even her with the needy intensity in it. Encouraged, Severus stroked her again, and then his mouth lowered, dampening from the outside the knickers that she had already thoroughly saturated on the inside.

It was the single most incredible thing she had ever felt in her life. Even the times she had touched herself, experimenting until she discovered the exact way to make herself climax, didn't compare to the intoxicating feeling of his mouth softly nipping and suckling at her. Restlessly, she shifted, unable to keep quiet as he stimulated her. She writhed under his mouth, shamelessly grinding against him. Impatient, he drew back, and hooking a finger in her knickers, tugged them off, tossing them off the bed to land somewhere behind him. He wriggled down a bit further on the bed, and lifted her thighs to spread her a little wider for his mouth. His expression determined, he applied his lips and tongue to her directly.

Hermione wailed, unable to keep the cry in and not really caring anymore. She felt hollow inside and ached and if he didn't fill her she might honestly go mad. Mindless, she babbled words of praise and need, imploring him for more. A finger entered her gently and probed. It felt both foreign and good, but it wasn't enough, and she squirmed. "Please, please," she begged, caught up in the sensation of feeling almost there and not able to quite reach it. "I need you inside me, Severus."

He froze, his head lifting up to give her an anguished expression. "But you aren't ready."

"The hell I'm not!"

"No, I mean," he faltered, "you said you weren't ready. I don't want you to regret--"

"I won't. I've changed my mind," she hissed, still squirming against his hand.

Severus' expression twisted in indecision as he clearly weighed his own desire against hers and her previous words.

"Severus," she said firmly, "do you love me?"

"Yes." His answer was immediate, unhesitating.

"Then I won't have any regrets. I promise. Please make love to me."

"If... if you're really sure." He was already crawling up her body again, his expression hungry and excited.

"Very sure," she answered as he settled into place between her thighs. His cock was rigid and heavy against her opening. Feeling a small stab of apprehension again, she said tentatively, "Severus?"

He froze, muscles tense. "Yeah?"

"Be gentle?"

His breath left in a gusty whoosh. "I will, I promise." He murmured something further under his breath, tracing a small symbol with his finger on the skin just below her navel, and then his hips started rocking softly against hers, his cock slowly... slowly working its way in. It hurt, the stretching of muscles that weren't used to the wide invasion, and she grit her teeth as each slow thrust pushed him deeper. His eyes closed in concentration and she was unable to stop a soft whimper.

Severus went still and made a softly strangled sound that might have been either pain or pleasure and choked out, "Relax, Hermione. You need to relax. You're so tight I can barely think and I'm trying really hard not… ugh gods." His hips thrust sharply as she focused on trying to relax her muscles, a sharp pain ripped through her, and he was suddenly fully inside her.

His eyes opened slowly, sweat beading his forehead and his breath heavy. "I'm sorry," he murmured, "I'm sorry that hurt. I thought maybe... maybe if I just got the worst part over with…"

She nodded as best as she could against the pillows, and said quietly, "No, you were right. Just...hold still a minute. Let me adjust. I think it's already beginning to fade."

Still breathing heavily, Severus held still above her, waiting for her approval to continue. A moment passed, and feeling only the strangeness of being utterly full, she shifted her hips experimentally. Severus groaned, his head dropping to her shoulder as he valiantly attempted to hold still. Hermione bent her knees for better purchase and lifted her hips again, rocking gently, then let out a breathy sigh as the movement brought ripples of lovely pleasure instead of pain. "Severus," she sighed. His head lifted slightly and she turned her own so that their lips met.

He made a soft noise of enjoyment and then he was moving too, a tender rhythm that built the tension and delight inside of her. It mounted and intensified quickly. Hermione wrapped her legs around him instinctively, her hips snapping more forcefully up to meet him with each thrust. She could hear their joining, a wet slide and slap that shot little ricocheting sparks through her core and up her spine.

Severus broke their kiss, a long, growling cry rumbling through him. His eyes met hers, the emotion and desperation as palpable as words. One of his hands reached down and worked its way between them, his fingers stroking her in the way he had just learned she liked best. Ecstasy shuddered through her, so acute it was almost painful. Overcome, she closed her eyes, exalting in the feeling of his warm chest against hers, the tension in the muscles of his shoulders and back, the slide of his cock within her.

It was…

Every muscle tightened and conscious thought shattered as her completion suddenly ripped through her. Glorious, her brain supplied. It is glorious. Above her, Severus groaned in relief as he came as well, and then collapsed on top of her. They lay shuddering a moment, and the only thought Hermione's mind could articulate before sleep claimed her was that being a virgin was definitely overrated.

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severus redux, fan-fic

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