It's so sad...

Jun 23, 2015 11:03

This morning, driving to work, I came to a stoplight behind another car. I had been behind this car for a while, and while we were going a bit fast (less then ten mph over), neither of us had done anything else wrong or even bad road manners that I was aware of. So it rather surprised me to see the car in the lane next to us stop abreast of Acura-in-Front-of-Me with his middle finger very firmly extended in Acura's direction.

He glanced behind him (his truck had ended up sort of between ours in the other lane, and locked eyes with me. I gave him a look that was a cross between "I'm confused" and that same mild disapproving look I give my daughter when I catch her with her fingers in her nose.

Truck-Guy yelled loudly enough to be heard through both of our rolled up windows, "Yeah, fuck you, too, Bitch!"

I gave a slightly incredulous shrug. His response?

"Yeah, I know you don't care. You're ugly, and American!"

Uhhhhhhh, okay? At this point it was difficult not to laugh. Because first of all, you're wrong, Truck Guy. On a few levels. I am a kind and generous person that has never once flipped off another driver, even when they deserved it. I gave my last $2.00 to a guy for gas this morning who ran out right in front of my eyes and offered to take him to the gas station, even though I am now late for work. Of the two of us, I am not the one behaving ugly.

Second of all, why would you think calling me ugly is a valid response to me not understanding your bad mood? Am I supposed to be hurt or upset that a rude stranger doesn't find me attractive? Am I supposed to cry? Sorry (not sorry), but no dice. I'm stronger than the puppies you're used to kicking, I'm afraid. Plus, I have a very loving, wonderful husband who makes no secret of the fact that HE finds me beautiful. His penis is really the only one that I care about attracting.

Third of all, yes, I am an American. I'm not positve what that has to do with your bad mood, but I'm pretty sure whatever it is, you can't point fingers. I'm pretty sure you are also an American. Yeah, don't think I don't recognize your PNW Hill accent. Also, you have WA state plates. It is possible you are Canadian, but really, that only means you're America's kissing cousin.

I'm sorry you are having a bad morning. I'm even more sorry that as a man in your middle years you have yet to learn how to control your temper and speak to other human beings politely. You must be a very unhappy person in general.

rant, general

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