Tyche's Notes: Magical Theory 101

Apr 26, 2015 10:32

Summary: Geeky non-canon notes about various aspects of the HP world that I use to keep that world organized and more real (to me at least). Includes magical theory, world building, anything I think someone as nerdy as I am might find interesting. You are more than welcome to skip if it's not your cup of tea. ;-)

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, spells, fictional places etc, etc do not belong to me. However, quite a lot of this DOES belong to me, as these are my Head-canon notes. JKR did not create my viewpoints on HP world magical theory, nor does she endorse them as canon. Ditto for the random numbers you happen to see hanging about (ie number of wards, etc). If you are interested in using my Head Canon for any reason, all I ask is that you credit me in an author note somewhere. :-)

Pairings/Main Characters: This is not a story. There are no characters except what is used in example.

Warnings: This is not a story and the notes contained within are not canon. I am not expecting people to necessarily agree with them. I am posting them simply because a few people thought it would be interesting.

Thank You: To JKR for letting me play with her world, and to those who have expressed an interest in the behind-the-scenes "stuff" I come up with and only peripherally use.

Dedication: To SusanMarieR, who has spent countless hours making banner art for me, for a runic alphabet I made up entirely only to never use when that particular story was pulled for plot reasons, and who first expressed an interest in my personal head canon.

By: TycheSong
Part One: Classifications of Magic
Part Two: Elemental Inclinations, Echo Theory and Wandlore

author note, disclaimer, chapter list, notes

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