(no subject)

Mar 14, 2015 20:09

Fanfic writing stuff:
Whelp, I've updated chapter twenty of Severus, Redux (yay), and am now turning my attention back to my gift exchange fic for Dragoon811: Happily Ever After the Fact. The ending always felt very rushed to me as a writer--I can do better! I've also had a few different people ask me to expand the runes plot device a bit more. So I am. That will hopefully be finished up and begin posting next week sometime. :-) I'm excited for it. As usual, I was a nervous wreck the whole time writing it (omigod willtheylikeit? whatiftheydon't? Ahhhhh!). I got several lovely comments and feedback, however, so that pleases me and my mind is eased a bit. However, it does not change the fact that I know I can make it a bit better. So. I shall try. Those of you who read it during the exchange, be aware of some changes that might crop up. :-)

I've also had the lovely adelarchersnape agree to Brit Pick me, yay!!! Say aloha and welcome to my lovely Aussie friend who is also awesome. You have no idea how hard it was not to make that a pun. Sigh.

Stupid Social Media Drama:
I have used the unfriend and blocks on facebook for the first time ever. I usually try so hard to get along with everyone, but this time...well. Let's just say there's a troll in the dungeon, and she's a super vindictive one. Suffice to say she pissed a lot of people off. The best thing to do at this point is ignore her, because she's clearly attention seeking. No one would go through as much effort as she has if they were well adjusted. :-( Anyway, long story short, if you're looking for me on facebook, my name there now has a middle initial: "Tyche K Song."

Real Life Stuff:
Oh my gosh, Baby Song turns one in FIVE DAYS. I am so excited, but sad at the same time! My little baby is turning into a little girl! About a month later, my grandfather turns 90. I turned 30 in January. Big landmarks this year!!

I am also resolving the ongoing Nanny Drama situation by cutting back at work. I will now only work on the days my husband has off (Tues-Thurs). This means a much tighter belt, of course, but also it means more time to watch my little girl grow and learn to walk and talk! I was worried I'd miss those first steps, working as much as I did. I did miss her first roll over, her first crawl and her first solid food (dad and grandma gave it to her when I wasn't home) AND her first time babbling mamamamamamama. She didn't know what she was saying, but it still hurt. I'm pleased that I have a much better chance to see the first steps, at least.

Another bonus: maybe I'll actually write more this year.

(Childish rant: What is it with reviews telling me it's been SO LONG since I've updated when it's only been three weeks? The story is not pre-written, and I've gone months before when things got busy. I was proud that it was only three weeks this time. :-( )

ANYWAYS. Cheers, darlings!

happily ever after the fact, severus redux, life, fan-fic, friends, rambling

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