1) I appreciate that you understand this. I've had people tell me that I can't possibly know since I haven't tried, and am I sure that media isn't brainwashing me since it's "all okay" "hip" and "women are always sexier in media then men"? *rolls eyes*
10) Depression is a funny monster, isn't it? We tell ourselves that we're only depressed because we let ourselves be. We behave upbeat because no one likes a Debbie-Downer. Then our friend who is *always* talking about being depressed doesn't believe us (or doesn't believe it can be as bad as HERS) because we're upbeat and not vocal on a regular basis.
I've thought about it a lot the last few days, and I think that I am a very angry person inside, and I feel guilty about that. Also, I have severe social anxiety in an extroverted sort of way--I am always terrified in social situations that people won't like me. Because of these two things, I over compensate with a nice and happy exterior and no one ever believes that my "depression" could be anything beyond a bad mood. People are happy to accept the excuse of "tired" and I am happy to be accepted. Scary, frustrating, insidious monster...
Here's the reading list I'm using. I'm aiming for all fifty ticky boxes, which means fifty-two different books, but whether you choose to do it that way or not, the list can give you ideas. Directions in which you can branch out. I've read so many wonderful fanfics in the last dozen years, but it's different than books. Not less, just different.
*hugs* You know yourself better than anyone else, whether it's the people who doubt you or the depression that tries (and sometimes succeeds) to take over.
10) Depression is a funny monster, isn't it? We tell ourselves that we're only depressed because we let ourselves be. We behave upbeat because no one likes a Debbie-Downer. Then our friend who is *always* talking about being depressed doesn't believe us (or doesn't believe it can be as bad as HERS) because we're upbeat and not vocal on a regular basis.
I've thought about it a lot the last few days, and I think that I am a very angry person inside, and I feel guilty about that. Also, I have severe social anxiety in an extroverted sort of way--I am always terrified in social situations that people won't like me. Because of these two things, I over compensate with a nice and happy exterior and no one ever believes that my "depression" could be anything beyond a bad mood. People are happy to accept the excuse of "tired" and I am happy to be accepted. Scary, frustrating, insidious monster...
7) I should try something like that. :-)
*hugs* You know yourself better than anyone else, whether it's the people who doubt you or the depression that tries (and sometimes succeeds) to take over.
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