SSHG Awards (or something like em)

Jul 30, 2014 18:44

So. I've decided I'm going to take on the task of re-starting the SSHG Awards (Or Something Like Them). It would be a once annual thing to celebrate the amazing writing of our community. :-) Details are still being hammered out, but it's in the works. I'm hoping you all will join me for the amazing ride. I'm pretty excited about it. ;-)

This will be a chance for SSHG shippers to nominate and vote on completed fics from each year the following January. Once I get a few more details figured out and get a community page actually started, I'll be hunting around for some banner artists and affiliate groups to help get the word out. We should be ready to start nominations for the 2014 year in January.

In the meantime, thoughts anyone?

<3 Tyche

If you are interested in joining the community before it's pretty, here's the site:

awesomesauce with side of cider, fan-fic, friends

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