So I totally just realized I never put this up--whoops.
THE HP FANFIC FAN POLL AWARDS - FALL-WINTER ROUND 2013 Rules, Timelines, and How to Nominate a Fic To Make Nominations/Ask Questions: hpfanficfanpollmod@gmail.comNomination period: October 1st - October 28th, 2013
Voting period: November 1st - December 31st, 2013
Winners announced: by January 10th, 2014 I have been nominated twice!
Eight Months in Stockholm was nominated for best SSHG Drabble and Getting Past Broken was nominated for best SSHG Threesome/Moresome. Please go read all the deserving stories in my OTP category and vote!! :-D
In other news. I also forgot to mention back in October (BAD TYCHE) that I found out Wee Tiny is a girl! Yay!!! Little girl Song! She is due in March.
Meanwhile, Mr Song has shattered his elbow, I've been working 50 hour weeks for the last two months, and it looks like they are going to transfer me to a new office. Again.
I have also officially tendered my resignation as lead admin on The Maple Bookshelf as of last month, and that will be effective as of 2014.
Sorry to be so brief about so many major topics--but I seem to be short on time these days. Someday I'll get back to writing too...if I can remember my own plot by then...