The New Year

Jan 01, 2013 09:36

Welcome to two thousand and thirteen. On this day, twenty-eight years ago, the nurses in the hall of a certain hospital could hear my mother chastising me for the very first time:

"If you're going to miss the tax cut off, you had better f*cking be born on the first!!!"

Seeing as how my mother can be very formidable, I complied. Because of this rather timely intervention on her behalf, I have the bragging rights of being able to say that I was born on the best day of the whole year. Nothing you will say about any other day will convince me otherwise, so don't try. If you wish to celebrate my awesomeness properly, please sign up for/join the birthday challenge I have issued at The Maple Bookshelf. I want oodles of stories for my birthday, please.

This day also marks a few other important anniversaries for me. Today is the one year anniversary that I made the New Years Resolution to start writing fan fiction, even though the idea of putting myself out there terrified me. Nonetheless, I buckled down, and on this day a year ago, began my first-ever fanfic: The Lucky Ones. I posted the first chapter about a month or so later, followed shortly after by the first chapter of Severus, Redux. Now, both stories have over two hundred reviews on FFN, and  I now consider my "tentative experiment" a dedicated part of my life. I do not get to update as often as I like, especially in recent months since I've taken on a position as beta and admin, but I promise: nothing has been abandoned!

I would like to take this opportunity to say to everyone THANK YOU. The community I have found in the fic world has been supportive, loving, hilarious and has offered me some amazing con-crit. Sometimes it hurt--but I've become a stronger writer (and person!) because of it. If you are one of those, double thanks. I have met and made friends in this world that I never would have otherwise, some of which I consider adoptive family. Forgive my maudlin-ity, but I'm in a horribly sappy mood, and I want to be sure you know you mean more to me than I can adequately express, writer or no.

I have received some trolls and flames, as well, and I would like to say thank you to them also. You have boosted my review count, no one took you seriously, and that adds up to a win in my column. So, thank you. :-P

My New Years Resolution for 2013:
1) I resolve to write (and update) more often.
2) I resolve to actually finish Severus, Redux this year. No promises with The Monster (my nickname for The Lucky Ones).
3) I resolve to stop abandoning my LJ notes, and finish the runes page.
4) I resolve to review more often. I'm getting better (especially on The Maple Bookshelf), but I want to be a jenidralph sort of reviewer (you inspire awe in me with how consistent you are about reviewing everything you read, no matter how you feel about it!).
5) I resolve to stop being such a snob and watch the stupid movies Mr. Song likes too, even if it kills my brain cells.

Addendum: I'm adding another one:
6) I resolve to see more live theatre this year. I miss it, horribly.

severus redux, life, general, fan-fic, friends, rambling

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