
Nov 13, 2006 22:19


There's going to be a Japan convention in Oslo called Desu-con. (www.baka.no) And I'm going there. =D I decided that I needed to meet other Japani-people, and a trip to Oslo (with Outland and Neo-Tokyo) sounded great. After some nagging, my parents agreed, and the train tickets are now ordered. Wewt, only 498,- to Oslo and back again.

I'm going there on Saturday 2., and I arrive in Oslo at around 14.00, one hour before the con starts, giving me enough time to check out Outland and Neo-Tokyo, before I go to meet up with The Fantastic Gunnar aka Aznakh, who has helped me with lots of stuff. I'm sleeping at Gunnar's aunt and uncle's place (hopefully), and then we both take the train home on Sunday.

One of the main things ("things" is such an exciting and creative word) there is the cosplay-part. I've had a dream about cosplaying for quite some time, and when the chance came, I got determined to do it. I went through a lot of ideas (Itachi, Shou Tucker, Jirobou, you name it...) and even almost bought a full Itachi outfit from eBay, but now I've decided to cosplay Aburame Shino post-timeskip. The outfit is fully planned:

Konoha forehead protector: already have one.
Sunglasses: already have.
White hoodie: already have.
Black coat: will hopefully buy cheap at Fretex.
Bandages: meh, I'll get them somewhere.
Black pants: I'll have to see which ones will be best, but I can probably buy them cheap at Fretex too.
Sandals: Gunnar (*heart*) will buy authentic Naruto sandals on eBay for me. =D

Oh yeah. I can't wait. Only problem is, I might not have much money left for the Australia-trip, but meh. Priorities, Oslo > Australia. XD

cosplay, woot, japani, conventions

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