Why do I need a subject?

Oct 30, 2006 15:44

We had rugby in the PE today. It roxxored. Tossing girls half my size around the room FTW. We won by around 7 touchdowns, and V tacled Løgen twice, the first time was just beatiful, and the second sent Løgen out with breathing problems. o.O We also lifted some weights and stuff, and I forgot to stretch afterwards. And now, 4 1/2 hours of work. Yaay.

After the PE, we had English. We were going to have a presentation about an artist or band we liked, which we had been "working with" for two weeks. I started late yesterday night and wrote half a page about Weird Al, which I just decided was enough. When I came to school, I read through it a few times, and when I gave the talk, I tried to remember everything I'd written and then improvise a bit, which worked great. I like improvising. The others did ok too, though there were some horrible music there. Everyone but me got 4-5, and I got 5+. I just missed the 6 because of a few tonation (?) mistakes. She also said that she considered giving me a 6 on the test too, but that I had maybe been too arrogant towards the end. =p

Tekken DR owns. The graphics are just stunning, and I usually don't care much about them. Me and Amund cooperated our way to 3,5 million gold, which I today used on various characters. The new customations are quite pwnsome. I'm Berserker with Paul atm., which is one of the new ranks between virtuoso and champion, if memory serves me right.

Me and Amund watched some movies on Saturday. First up was The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift. It was ok. I think I'll have to say that the second FatF-movie was the best, though this one was probably second. I want to give extra points for Japan, but I just can't. I mean, the four "mainest" characters were all American, even the asian dude. WTF? 7/10

The second one was Dreamcatcher, based on the Stephen King book with the same name. It didn't follow the book too good, but that would've been quite hard, as the book is somewhat dreamy and weird. 'Twas pretty good, and it made me think about how similar Dreamcatcher and It are, or at least the books. 7/10

Then there was Hannibal. If you haven't seen this movie yet, do it. If you didn't like it, you're an idiot. =)
"It just seemed like a good idea at the time." - great quote. 9,5/10

We also played lots of TK, or Tapan Kaikki, a free, small, Finnish game which is awesome. Go download it and try it out, you'll love it. We did pretty good until someone seemed to think that the name stood for "Team Killing". XP

And we played Heroes. I lost, so I'll not write long about that. :P Maybe making my Enchanters undead weren't such a smart move after all. XD

There was just this lady here that had only three fingers. In total. Two on one hand and one on the other. Creepy. >__>

Wæh, this got way too long, didn't it?

reviewthingies, school, heroes, tapan kaikki, work, games, tekken, movies

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