I do want to take guitar lessons. I do want to learn how to fly. Yes, I would like to learn Korean.

Feb 09, 2009 00:24

Today started out really apathic. I sat in front of the computer, F5-ing forums and wasting time on /b/, until my parents called and told me to start on the dinner. So I did, but I didn't eat much. Afterwards, I decided to start packing all my stuff in time for moving out, which should take place sometime next week. Got done with most of my books, and a fair share of the comics.

During the packing, I had a few realizations, the first one being that I have a LOT of stuff. The second one? I can't bring myself to throw away or sell any of it. I may be able to fit it all into my new room, but I'm not sure it would be that easy when I move to Oslo. Besides, some extra money wouldn't hurt. I'm not selling any anime or manga, at any rate. Those are my treasured collections. I'm considering Star Wars-stuff, but I'm concerned I'll suddenly become the huge fan I used to be again, and regret it. Besides, with the one Norwegian Star Wars-forum gone, I'm not sure where I'd try to sell it. Other than that, some comics could probably go, like my six out-of-print Pondus books. Will see.

It got late, and me and Amund decided to go see Yes Man. It was a very pleasant movie, I must say it restored my faith in Jim Carrey. Great humor and a pretty good story, and that Allison character was really cute. :3 I bought too much candy, though. :< Me and Amund talked for a while afterwards, and all in all it was a nice evening.

Wow, it's suddenly really late. D: No time to decrease the huge pile of anime waiting to be seen. Oh well, I'll just push it to winter break. If I actually watch all the anime I've planned for winter break, I won't have time for much else. Oh well, it worked last year. Almost. :p

anime, day summaries, movies

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