Oh hi, 2009!

Jan 02, 2009 00:47

But first, a farewell to 2008, with memories (once again greatly helped by old entries)! Prepare for keywords, smilies and exclamation marks.

January: Happeh-time! Watched a lot of anime (Higurashi, Tokyo Marble Chocolate, Kaiji, Spice and Wolf... <3), visited SoulSeth, thought I was going to Japan (lolexams getting in the way).

February: New computer! <3 Bought lots of stuff on Outland. Not much online, watching lots of anime and hanging out with people IRL. Winter break, yay!

March: More of the same, but now with Japani drawing evening-thingie, which was very awesome. EASTER YAY! :D I had a blast in Elverum and Oslo, very social and nice. :3 Bleh, cabin.

April: Hans taught me Munchkin, and my obsession started. Had a lot of fun.

May: Free Comic Book Day! Outland. <3 Lots of confusion and meh-stuff. 17th.! Nice day, but far from perfect. Having much fun, chilling in the sun and in general trying to enjoy life.

June: Visited Oslo, and had a great time there. Birthday, yay! Good exam results, great weather, summer holiday, Now and Then, Here and There. Birthday party was awesome, and having Eirik over was nice. :3

July: Teh awesome. Thomas and Janne visited, which made an already good summer holiday even better. We had lots of fun. Then I went to the US and spent a shitload of money while eating good food and reading a lot.

August: Dunno? Gaming, school again, with better schedule, two good movies and one bad.

September: Bah, school and various stress. Don't really remember. Not very eventful.

October: Fall break was fun. And then, DESUCON! :D Awesome visiting Oslo again. Gattai.us!

November: Made new friends, visited Bergen and Oslo, rocked my military session. All in all a good month. :3

December: WORK. D: Rakel's birthday, yay! Christmas! <3 Awesome new years eve as well. :3

All in all, 2008 was a very good year, better than 2007. And 2009 looks like it will be even better, wohoo! My last new year resolutions failed, and I don't really see the point. I'll be living my life like I want, and right now that includes going to bed and sleeping of my headache before tomorrow and 8 hours of work.

2009, year summaries, 2008, new years

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