
Jan 27, 2008 01:17

I've been thinking to write an entry here for days, but never got around to it. D:

I got my grades this week, and well, they sucked, like I pretty much already knew.

History: 2 (we had ONE test, which I forgot to practice for, and which counted for 50% of the grade)
Physical Education: 3 (yay, 3! 8D)
Math: 5 (barely made it XD)
Norwegian, main, written: 4
Norwegian, secondary, written: 2 (I haven't actually done anything)
Norwegian, oral: 5

Sociology and Social Anthropology: 4 (love the subject, should be able to improve to a 5)
International English, written: 3 (dropped three full grades XDD)
International English, oral: 4 (XD)
Communication and Culture: 5 (awesome subject, and easy too)

Average around 3,36 or something, I think it was. I'll improve greatly on that, though.

On Friday, during P.E. class, I twisted my ancle. It hurt pretty bad, and as I was starting to feel sick, I went home and went to bed, which only made matters worse. I lay in bed the entire day, and my ancle hurted really bad. For a while I couldn't do anything but lay in the bed, groaning with pain. It got slightly better eventually though, and I managed to turn on some anime. When I woke up today, it was much better, and now I can at least walk, though with a limp.

Oh, and I'm going to Japan this summer! 8D Together with the Neo-Tokyo guys and several other Japani-members. http://forum.japani.no/showthread.php?t=10294

Although my parents originally were very negative towards it, as we're going to the US and because I can't really afford the entire trip to Japan on my own, they suddenly allowed me today, after getting my hopes down. Now, that means I practically can't use any money before summer, which will be very hard, but not impossible. (And yes, that means no Oslo trips, sorry T__T) I'm also selling a lot of my stuff to get money, and my parents said they'd help out a little, at least.

I'm extremely excited about this, I'm going to JAPAN! :D 12 days in Japan, including one entire day in Akihabara and three free days which probably will be spent a lot there as well. XP Awesome, really. I just wish my parents would let me skip the USA-trip, so they could pay more of the Japan-trip for me, and I wouldn't have to think about having pocket money for that as well. Oh well, I can't have it all (or, well, in this case, I must have it all). :/

Now, I'm about to fall asleep right here.

injuries, looking forward to, school, grades, life updates, vacation, sucky stuff, japan

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