Subjects... :toda:

Sep 30, 2007 23:21

Just a recap of the last few days, as they've been rather eventful compared to the rest of my pathetic, meaningless existence. :cip:

Yesterday, after work, me and my cousin went to see the Team Eckbo show. I was more or less forced into it, and I hate every single second I have to spend with my cousin, but I looked forward to the show none the less. We """""met""""" (as in seeing them and saying "hi") Harald Eia and Bård Tufte Johansen on the way in, which was pretty cool. The show itself was a disappointment. Sure, there were some good parts, some even bordering brilliant, but all in all there were too many boring and just directly bad pieces. Still, not a too bad way to spend two hours, I guess.

After that, we went home, and my cousin was staying the night. Whee. -_- We just sat in front of the TV and decided to watch Ladder 49. Really crappy movie, so I went down to my room to "go to bed", as my Intarweb-abstinences (sp?) were starting to annoy me. Didn't get to do much before having to turn off and go to bed. Worst Saturday night ever. D:

Today, after getting up, we decided to watch Falling Down. It was pretty good. After that, we had to make dinner, and then my cousin went home and left all the dishes to me. :| When I was done with the dishes, I decided to meet Gunnar (I'd sent him a message yesterday to get an excuse to get away from my cousin if he decided to stay the entire day :p). I met him in Sandnes, and we walked around some, without any real intentions. I found Red Dragon and bought it, now I have the entire series, yay! 8D Gunnar bought some DVDs too, and then we decided to take the bus up to his house and watch Hot Fuzz. Completely pwnsum movie, I lol'd several times. I also talked some to his parents. I usually hate talking to friends' parents, but I managed fine, I think. They had me confused with some guy in his class and Ken Patrick, which was kinda funny. We decided that he could come visit me tomorrow, as he's never been here.

The next week will consist of:
Monday: Gunnar visiting me, hopefully. 8D
Tuesday: Work. D:
Wednesday: Watching Alexander Kielland's "Gift" at the theater with the class.
Thursday: Watching the Bleach movie together with the Forus-friends, some other Forus-people and maybe Gunnar.
Friday: Nothing? Maybe watch a movie with Amund or something?
Saturday: Scary thingie in Stavanger. Oh, it'll probably be fine. Probably.
Sunday: Must... watch... anime.

Yay. And after that, fall break with lots of working. Will make money for Desucon 2 (17/11) and maybe the Halloween-event (2/11?).


day summaries, plans

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