School emoness and other ramblings

Aug 15, 2007 21:15

School starts on Monday. :/

I haven't really had time to worry too much about it, as I've worked every day this week, and a lot last week too. Still, when I think about it, I'm really nervous about it. Now, there is the matter of a new school and all that, but I've already been through that with Forus. The difference this time is that there'll be many more different classes. Instead of just one, there is now the "main" class, the International English class, the Culture and Communication class, the Sociology and Social Anthropology class and the Practical Math class. Good thing I'm taking Japanese, or there'd be one more. I think I'm probably going to be really isolated and anti-social, at least in the beginning. However, I thought that with Forus too, and I got friends there (I have no idea how that happened, though, I just remember me sitting in the back corner and being anti-social one moment, and then I was in this clique all of a sudden. XD). And at least on Sandnes, there are some people I know from before, though there's no guarantee I'll be going with any of them (though I'm under the understanding that I have a rather big chance of at least having a subject or two together with Amund, and maybe one with Ann Helen). We can probably hang out in the recesses (sp?). 8D Can't wait to meet Hans again, I almost haven't seen him all year, and I just love randomly assaulting him with Japanese phrases (well, at least until he starts talking in huge sentences of which I don't understand a single word). XD

I remembered this dream today. I'm not sure if I had it this night or some nights ago or a long time ago, maybe last year. I didn't really remember much of it, just a yellow classroom and a hallway. There was an unpleasant teacher too, and a class where I didn't know anyone. I didn't like them, I think. All in all, there was this really unpleasant atmosphere in it. :/

The summer break has been partly awesome, partly D:. The awesome parts were the Oslo-trip (which was really GREAT 8D) with all the shopping and stuff, and also lots of intarweb-socializing on MSN, forums, etc. Also, I've seen many great movies. The D: part was all the extra work (though that means more money 8)) and the fact that I've been way too much on the computer. Me and Amund usually have lots of film-weekends and Outland-trips during summer, but we had liek one of each this time? Two film-weekends that were really just evenings? D:

I think I'll just stop writing here. I have this unhealthy tendency of making entries way too long. XP

dreams, school, worries

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