Some quick reviews...

Jul 02, 2007 00:29

...because I feel like I want this LJ to have more reviews and things like that. Yes.

Oh, and I uploaded a bunch of new userpics, フウ~!



Heroes was great. I mean, I don't watch a lot of non-anime TV series, but this almost makes me wish I did. I think the plot was quite ingenous, though not entirely unique. Kind of X-men, but hey, mutants with super powers are cool regardless. The mutants were pretty awesome too. Especially Hiro. Awesomest character ever. Didn't like much Nicki/Jessica though. Lame power (I mean, Hiro can bend the laws of time and space, she can turn into her super strong sister?), and most of the time she didn't have much to do with the main plot. Also, Micah was pretty lame. I hate it when kids are portrayed as friggin' philosophers who are always smarter than their parents. Argh. Sure, kids have a certain perspective on the world which can make them helpful now and then, but he didn't act like a child at all.

But the villain! Oh, he was perfect. Nice acting, and awesome power. I also greatly enjoyed Peter. And the English invisible bloke. XD Oh, and the mindreader.Nathan was ok, I liked how he and his mom turned out towards the end. The ending itself was good, I guess. Maybe I had expected something more spectacular, but I wasn't exactly disappointed either. Looking forward to the Generations, though. 8D


Who Wants to be a Superhero?

An American reality show where people make up their own super hero, go through a lot of tests to prove that they're fit to actually be one, and the winner gets its own comic made by Stan Lee himself. Whew, nothing to say on the prize here, must be one of the most awesome prizes in any reality show, IMO.

Ok, so I'm not a big fan of (try hate) American reality shows in general, with their extremely fake emotionalness and cliches. However, this was ok despite all that. The characters were probably the greatest thing about the show. Even though some of them were pretty lame and in-character (Monkey Woman comes to mind), most of them were pretty original and cool, and their outfits were awesome too (especially Tyveculus' and Feedback's new one).

Even though I had spoiled most of the eliminations for myself (REGRET! T__T), it was still amusing, especially since I though I had read that another character won. You should've seen my face when he was eliminated. XD I supported the winner from episode one, though. 8)

7,5/10 (I can only take a certain level of cliches and fake drama.)

So, all in all, your recommandations are approved, Janne. ;P

The God Delusion

An anti-religion book written by Richard Dawkins, a famous atheist intellectual.

I loved it. He uses the first four or so chapters to completely disprove all divine beings and intelligent design in a masterful way, before he continues to show how wrong religion is. A lot of awesome quotes and stuff. I learnt a lot from this book, though some of the content was a little too advanced for me, I guess. ^^;; Advanced biology and philosophy and such. Still, this would be interesting reading for any atheist or agnostic, and has actually converted several Christians, so I guess I want to recommend it to everybody, really. Especially people named Kathrine! ;D


Yeah, I said they'd be short, didn't I?

tv shows, reviews, books, heroes

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