hum, no

Feb 28, 2009 06:45

Oh, people and their cheap little philosophies. One of my Facebook contacts just posted a link to "A beautiful life lesson..." - which is a video of a guy without arms and legs, just a sort of chicken thigh, who's talking to school pupils, explaining (and showing them), basically, that even without arms and legs what matters is rising again every time you fall, regardless of your imposed limitations. Anything is possible, never give up, etc.

Now, dude. You and all the people commenting on the video that you'll never complain about anything in your life now that you have seen this. Not only is it pretty lame if you need Chest!Man to teach you that kind of lesson, but you seem to totally miss the point the guy is trying to make in favor of wallowing in self-complacent pity for him. If the only thing you can remember watching this is "Oh, I have two arms and two legs, lucky me! I'll never complain about anything ever now that I've seen what a real BASTARD nature could have been to me," you are *not* being deep and gaining a new understanding of life.

You are just one of the gazillion of people who look at the guy and think his condition is a breathing lesson nature is kindly providing you - how thoughtful of her, lucky you indeed! - instead of trying to grasp what he, as a person, and not as a walking chest, is trying to tell you.

Seriously, go to hell.
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