MIDNITE hiighway: this is to fuckin tyler: OKAY GROW THE FUCK UP CUNT RAG. seriously you think you're all bad ass and shit, well guess what FUCKFACE, you're NOT. okay? get it throught your fucking head. you're a JUNIOR!!!!! A FUCKING JUNIOR! and you act more immature than a fucking second grader. did liz come out and tell you that she was a lesbian?! YEAH I THINK NOT. i think it's about time you start acting like the AGE you are. you're beyond ridiculous. you assume shit. fuck off.
& to josh - way to be a fucking friend and completely fuck up what liz said. she said that she wasn't sure what she felt. she didn't say that she was a lesbian. soFUCK you too fucking shithole. SERIOUSLY. you guys have to be some of the most IMMATURE people i have EVER met in my entire life. FUCKING GET A LIFE AND STOP RUINING LIZS.
Auto response from Blue1Gummy6Bear: well apparently i make chicks turn lez.....
peace out
MIDNITE hiighway: kbye<3
funniest shit i have ever heard!!!!!