Looking To The Stars

Sep 14, 2004 23:51

I guess I needed advise and direction today, so who better to turn to?
Online horoscopes! I swear they know everything!
My horoscopes for today...

Romance is in the air Saturday. It's an intellectual match, quite stimulating until emotions get into it, so beware! You are more vulnerable to wearing your possessive little heart on your sleeve.

At the moment, you are undoubtedly feeling the necessity of making a new start, Tyler. The vibrations will be encouraging to push ahead and to get out of your shell so that you can make your life evolve rapidly. In your professional life, change your ideas by proposing new projects to those you collaborate with and try to keep a great freshness and enthusiasm in all that you do. Think about and sum up the past months and get rid of any preconceived ideas that you have. This would be the moment to get into the saddle even if things seem to be rather discouraging in appearance!

There are plenty of opportunities to go to some very exciting places and do some seductively dangerous things. It's the kind of day when people are ready to take risks, and for once, you are, too. You could meet someone by chance, and that person could be quite special and certainly very unique. Show your interest and appreciation of their fascinating hobbies.

How do they know all of this?? Horoscopes are amazing...
I wonder what's going to happen on Saturday?? ;) lol

*I "bolded" the most relevant words or phrases
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