Hmmm....lot of happiness...what bad will happen now?

Jan 03, 2006 15:27

Hey hey everybody.

My Creative Suites Premium 2 came in the mail today. Woo-hoo. Internet is working better...we'll see how long that lasts. But still good times computer wise. Still trying to grasp keyboard shortcuts and such on this mac but I will get there. What else? School starts in 15 days and I still don't have a new job but at least the payment plan is good. I owe money in hundreds instead of thousands (ie. Carroll College). Intro - Illustrator, and Photoshop. Intro to Desktop Publishing on PC, Advanced Design and Publishing (InDesign), Webpage/Graphic Design and Digital Prepress fundamentals. A lot of shit to do but hopefully I'll learn much and make it thru....without dropping anything.

Ashley - you know I am not much of a holiday person but you're cards are always hysterical. Thanks to you and Dino.

On New Year's Eve, my mother was at church (and with a bunch of other older ladies) at played.....PHASE 10!!!!! I forgot that game. Judy, Nicole, Assley, Stacy - good times! I was so if I only I hadn't ruined her X-box, she'd be pretty damn happy.

Brothers Grimm - not impressed. I didn't expect to be. I only liked Matt Damon in the Bourne movies. Towards the end - 20 minutes were good but the ending was complete bullocks. Mom and dad liked it.

Into the Blue - my mom and dad wanted to see it b/c its a Jessica Alba movie. Doesn't make sense to me either. Although Alba was Dark Angel, I haven't liked any of her movies. Anyway, Paul Walkers "dude" voice is distracting. Once you get passed that...I still don't like it. Of course, mom and dad did.

Fantastic Four - watched it again. Liked it more. The Thing and the Human Torch remain my favorites.

I'm sure there's more but I don't remember. By the way, Underworld Evolution comes out this month. Judy and Stacy, you know what I'm talking about. The blue hulk returns.

That's it for now. Take care ya'll.
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