
Aug 29, 2010 00:43

So as I mentioned on my FB Friday was a spectacular craptacular day at the office, one of those days where everything you look at turns to steaming pile of projectile vomit aimed straight for your face.

Mr Pxx decided we should venture around the corner to Mr Wolf for potato pizza & chocolate martinis. I thought it not a bad way to chase away the blues considering I was in no mood for socialising.

My run of bad luck seemed to continue when an old work acquaintance walked in & promptly sat right next to me. Damn, I thought, I now have to choose whether to be rude & ignore him or engage in an inane conversation for which I have neither the energy or the interest. Naturally being the polite well bred child I am I was forced into option two.

Oddly enough the conversation actually flowed & tuned to music of the early 80's. This guy is a few years younger than I and as we were discussing various bands & what they were like live his jaw dropped further& further as I mentioned various bands I had seen. I forget how lucky I am to have lived through the height of the music I enjoyed. He gaped at Butthole Surfers, turned green when I mentioned John Cooper Clarke, wanted to hit me when I mentioned PIL but I think he wanted to be me when I mentioned the Fall.

It actually turned into quite a fun evening & how could I not smile when half an hour after leaving the bar I received a text saying "You are my queen of cool. Hope we can catch up again".

This morning I re-visited my little nail bar & now have bright shiney deep purple nails. Also visited my Rusian Deli, although yet again I was too intimidated to practice my very limited russian. Still it was rather fun.

A spot of successful shopping for birthday & fathers day presents & I still had time to get ready for dinner.

Slow Food on Acland St can be highly recommended. The Ox ail was divine, the chocolate mousse delicious. The waiter dealt with my acerbic tongue with aplomb and th company was lovely *waves at mistresskathrina & blithespirit*.

A wander around the corner to see Sforzando at the Espy. The set was crap, the sound was awful but man I love the Gershwin room & even the quick catch up with the guys after the gig was fun. They knew it was a rubbish show but hey, what does it matter as long as it was fun!

OK, Friday was crap, but things have definitely improved. :)
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