Aug 17, 2011 19:06
[ The camera is being held up by a hoppip (which may be obvious by the leaf fluttering in and out of the camera view). The background is quite obviously Sprout Tower, considering the strange music and the decour. Oh, and the Monks passing back and forth.
In the distance you may see Yuzu running back and forth, and you may also -
Suddenly hear a very shrill scream. ] RATS?!
[ She's scrambling towards the camera now, almost tripping on her feet. It seems she's running from a Rattata, which is being chased by her Skitty. It's a train of chasing, really.
She clumsily grabs for the Pokegear. ] No one told me there were rats here! Ew, ew... gross... Skitty stop that...!
Oh geez what do I do now....
rats everywhere,
someone save me,
!sprout tower,