Thank you Livejournal for giving my gMail and Hotmail passwords to spammers.

Nov 01, 2009 01:35

Thank you Livejournal for giving my gMail and Hotmail passwords to spammers. You f***ers!

No seriously people, this is genuine warning. Today I used the Find Your Friends feature on livejournal.

Now I don't normally use these nor trust these but I thought why not give it a try. It's a secure site and it says

"We won't store your password or contact anyone in your address book without permission."
 So I checked my hotmail and gmail accounts. Both accounts have different, recently changed passwords.

A few hours later I come back to my PC, check my gMail and see a spammy "Dear friend"! email. And saw it was from me - not unusual I've seen that before.

But then I looked closer. In the To: was a list of emails I knew - including my work boss!
Not only was my gMail hacked by so was my Hotmail - this kinda gave me the clue of where the link might be.

So, livejournal how do you explain how my username and passwords was given to spammers.

I have of course changed all relevant passwords, but I will be following this up with livejournal and the spam website (which seems to be a genuine shop) and I suggest NO ONE uses that Find your friends feature at all.

ETA: Public entry please share with friends
ETA2: ETA3: ElJay have made this private
ETA3: ElJay staff member comments so far: 'It's just a coincidence!?'

password, hacked, livejournal, spam, eljay, angry

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