Friday, March 21st Strike

Mar 17, 2008 18:54

Want to protest against LJ censoring the interest pages and removing the Basic account level?
Join the strike! (And repost this to your own journal.)
Everything's explained at beckyzoole's LJ, but basically: on Friday, March 21st, we will not be posting or commenting for 24 hours.

This and this are also very worrying.

My flist is small but not apathetic...

I don't like all this removal of basic journals and censoring fanfic from the interests.
But my flist is why I stay (that and I'm stubborn!), but this strike could be a good idea.
ONLY if it works.

Please. All my flist. Anyone reading this who vaguely wants to show LJ that this sneaking policies in just is not on then please post this on your LJ. And then do not post, comment or view anything on
Friday, March 21st.

p.s. copy n paste the top bit here with all the linkies etc hassle free!
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