Nov 13, 2009 22:20
How often do you take apart all your cages for cleaning?
I do not mean a change the papers and wipe off the grate. But an actual take them out and hose them down? How many of you have to take the cages completely apart to get to the point you can take them out and hose them down?
I have my Amazon in a cage that we assembled in the Room as it would not fit through the door other wise. My Macaw is in a smaller cage that will fit through the door but is very very heavy.
My conures and tiel and bourks and senegals are all in smaller cages. So since I got a new set of cages and am selling one I had to completely take apart to get out of the room, I decided that I may as well take most of the cages to the car wash and really blast them rather than clogging my shower drain again like I did last time.
And in the mean time birds get to play musical cages except for the conures who are in a nasty mood right now. You should see my macaw looking confused in the amazon's monster
Finished pictures of a clean bird room Tomorrow for any one that wants to see it.