You hear talk about Guantanamo, and how we torture POW's, or EC'S what ever you want to call them, but they are treated more humanely than we treat our sick and dying. The things we do to preserve life, when there is no longer any hope of a positive outcome is so disheartening.
Please encourage your parents, grandparents, family members and friends to talk about, and draw up Living wills, and Organ and tissue donation registry as well. Have them tell you their thoughts, wishes, and what kind of care they want pursued.
It's a difficult topic to breach, but I promise you it is much more difficult to make those choices at the bedside in a hospital.
The fact of life is our time in this world is short, and fleeting. We will all, as will those we love pass on. Discussing how you wish to be treated in those final days and hours now, will not bring impending doom upon you, but it will open up a whole new level of communication between you and your loved ones. It may be uncomfortable to bring up the subject, but do bring it up.
If you want more information please go to and there is a wealth of information, or just google "end of live issues" "advance directives" or "living wills"
Ok, that's enough of me on my soap box.