gaztigatu dizugu, aurrera jarraitzeko...

Sep 30, 2011 21:48


Sorry for not having updated in ages but I had so much going on!

First, the most awesome princess in the world, july_v, visited me and spent a week at my place, and we explored Augsburg, rowed a boat along the city wall canal (well, I rowed the princess, of course!), watched football, did lots of cooking (beer chicken! sauerkraut lasagna! tapas!), baked three kinds of muffins, went on a trip to Munich (Hofbräuhaus! Allianz Arena! Englischer Garten!), and had an absolutely fantastic time! Well, except for the day she had to leave again. *sniffles* *misses princess*

And a couple days later, I went on my first long holiday (well, eight days isn't that long, but it's still longer than all my previous holidays!) this year and returned home to the wonderful Basque Country. My buddy J and I stayed in Bilbao for the first half of the vacation, had a brilliant time meeting xurda87 and her sisters, spoke Spanish and Euskera, went to Santander for a day (yes, I know that's not actually in the Basque Country but in Cantabria), and watched Athletic at San Mamés (though the referee decided to spoil our fun a bit!). Then we took the bus to Donostia to spend another few days there getting a tan on the beach, swimming in the Atlantic, eating pintxos, walking around in the sun, and generally enjoying life. I also finished my re-read of A Clash of Kings. Too bad those days passed way too quickly, and now I'm back in Germany again where it's cold and bleh and I have to work. If I didn't have this really good job that I'm completely satisfied with, I'd move to Bilbao in a heartbeat, I swear.

It'll probably take me a while until I post the pics from my holidays because I still have the photos of my trip to London to post, and also I've written fic again (hooray!!!) which has first priority because the princess commands to read it. ;)

I hope you're all well! It'll be impossible for me to catch up on all the entries I've missed, so please point me to things! Or just leave me a message here if you want to tell me anything, that's always appreciated. :D

I'm going to leave you with a video of Igor Gabilondo's and Markel Susaeta's golazos against PSG last night - though technically I'd have to give you a download of the entire game because last night's Athletic was my Athletic, the Athletic I'd grown to love, and everyone was brilliant, and I was so fucking proud. ♥

image Click to view

.football, country: euskadi, team: athleeeeeeeee...tic!, videos: youtube, country: germany, country: spain, fb: europa league, lj: flist, fic: writing, lj: hiatus

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