picspam: alec scudder (maurice, 1987)

Feb 19, 2010 14:43

I recently watched Maurice (yes, the 1987 adaption of E.M. Forster's novel and practically the gay version of Lady Chatterley XD), and I'm not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing to watch the film because ever since I saw it the first time, I've been completely hooked on one of the actors. Honestly, it's a pity how every discussion about that film focuses on either James Wilby or Hugh Grant, and that one person is hardly ever talked about, even though his performance in the film was excellent and he's also one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen. (I say 'boy' because even though he was 24 when the film was made, he looked like he was barely 20.)

Yeah, I'm talking about Rupert Graves, who plays under-gamekeeper Alec Scudder.

Unfortunately, he's now 46 years old, and even though he still looks rather good, I wish (somewhat unrealistically, I know) he'd never grown older because I want his 24-year-old self. So much. (I'm not saying I want to turn back time because I was three in 1987 and... well, no. XD)

Anyway, I'm not sure if anyone actually cares, but I'm going to post a picspam now. XD Also, if anyone can recommend films he's in, please do so without fail! :)

Pics taken from this screencap archive - do check it out for more movie screencaps!

media: movies, actor: graves, #picspam

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