fic: Reward (Gonzalo Higuaín/Ezequiel Garay, NC-17) for crazy_girl_86

Dec 24, 2009 22:55

Title: Reward
Author: txorakeriak
Fandom: Football RPS, Real Madrid
Pairing: Gonzalo Higuaín/Ezequiel Garay
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I'm a lying bastard and made this all up. I don't claim to know any of the players I write about, they're most definitely not mine, and this very probably didn't happen. No payment involved, no offence intended. This is for my own entertainment.
Summary: Gonzalo thinks he deserves a reward for scoring two goals against Valencia. Ezequiel isn't so sure about that.
Dedication: For crazy_girl_86 - merry Christmas, darling!
Word Count: 1,340
A/N: On matchday 14, Real Madrid beat Valencia 3-2 at the Mestalla. Higuaín scored the first two goals, Garay the late winner.
Thanks to jennis_footie for the speed-of-light beta! *mwah*
Feedback: Everything is most welcome, from squee to constructive criticism. I even accept rotten tomatoes, so don't be shy. ;)


"I thought you were going to drive me home?"

They're in Gonzalo's car - the striker generously offered to drop Ezequiel off at his flat after the team's post-match dinner and return to Madrid - but he was actually supposed to turn left a junction earlier and didn't.

Gonzalo gives his teammate a quick, almost mischievous glance. "Change of plans," he says with a grin, then returns his gaze to the traffic as he drives on. "I have a reward to claim."

Ezequiel chuckles. "A reward? For what?" He knows perfectly well what Gonzalo is talking about, but it would be boring to just admit it and forego the pleasure of teasing his boyfriend.

"For my amazing performance tonight, obviously, you blockhead." The striker rolls his eyes at Ezequiel, but his amused tone belies the gesture.

"Ha!" Ezequiel mocks him. "If anything, I should claim my reward for my amazing performance!"

"For that silly goal?" Gonzalo plays along, huffing indignantly. "Dude, I score goals all the time!" And as an afterthought, he adds, "I actually scored twice, in case you forgot."

"But you're a striker. It's your job to score goals." Ezequiel is mightily pleased with his argument. "I, however, am a defender, and if I score, it's special."

"Special? My ass!" Gonzalo laughs at him. "Chori1 scored recently. And Sergio. And Marcelo. And Pepe. What makes your silly little goal so special?"

Ezequiel flashes him a self-satisfied smirk. "It won us the match." He emphasises every word with ample smugness.

Gonzalo gasps, momentarily at a loss for words, and then distracted by the task of parking his car in the garage. The two men get out of the vehicle and walk towards the lifts, Ezequiel still smirking, and Gonzalo looking rather grim about the current score of their verbal sparring.

When the lift stops, he suddenly has an idea. "You shouldn't look so smug," he says slowly, enjoying every single syllable. "You wouldn't have scored the winner if I hadn't scored those other two goals earlier."

He doesn't manage to erase the smile from Ezequiel's face. "Yes," the defender concedes, unimpressed, "we would have lost without your goals, but we would have drawn without mine, and three points are a lot better than one."

Gonzalo flashes him a reproachful look. "Seriously, Eze, a little more modesty would do you good. Have they taught you nothing at Racing2?"

Ezequiel elbows him in the ribs and chuckles as Gonzalo squeals.

"You need to watch your mouth, Pipita," Ezequiel declares with a grin, watching his boyfriend dramatically pet his 'hurt' side before moving to unlock the door to his flat.

"Oh really?"

The key turns in the lock, the door flings open, the two men enter, and suddenly Ezequiel finds himself being pushed against a wall, Gonzalo's face mere inches away from his, his hot breath against his cheek.

"I think," Gonzalo whispers, his gaze intense, "it is you who should watch my mouth."

And without a further warning, he presses his body against Ezequiel's and crushes their lips together in a kiss so fierce and passionate that Ezequiel nearly loses his bearings. Gonzalo's kisses have always been intense but this one tops them all and sends a bolt of lust straight to the defender's groin. Ezequiel soon realises that resistance is futile, and his only option is a complete surrender.

They stumble through the flat, refusing to break their lip-lock, knocking down bric-à-bracs, lamps and magazines in the process, until they finally reach their destination and land on Gonzalo's bed with an unceremonious thud.

Gonzalo's fingers fiddle with the buttons of Ezequiel's shirt while the defender rips the striker's shirt open, and after a little interval of horny, awkward fumbling, they're both stark naked, gazing hungrily at each other.

They've done this countless of times, but Ezequiel still feels reduced to an animal the moment he sees Gonzalo naked. His basic instincts take over his entire brain, he can think of nothing else than to ravage him, to make him scream and moan and come inside him and all over him. It can't be healthy, but there's nothing he can do about it, it's as if Gonzalo pulls an invisible lever inside him and turns him into a wild beast.

However, considering the fiery sparkle in Gonzalo's eyes, Ezequiel isn't the only one feeling primeval, and finally desire overwhelms them and they lunge at each other, wrestling on the sheets for a while before Gonzalo pins Ezequiel down with the full force of his weight. He positions himself between his teammate's thighs, bends down, and takes the defender's cock into his mouth, instantly sucking and licking with relish, as if he wanted him to blow his load right then and there.

Cursing himself for having lowered his guard and not anticipated his teammate's move, Ezequiel groans loudly and bucks his hips, his mind nearly zoning out at the sensation of having Gonzalo's hot lips wrapped around him. He's still rather exhausted from the match against Valencia, so it takes him a while to come, but not as long as he would have wished. Only a couple of minutes later, his orgasm hits him, and he explodes into Gonzalo's waiting mouth, groaning gutturally with every spurt that hits the back of his teammate's throat.

There's no rest for the wicked. The moment Gonzalo has finished licking him clean, he flips him over, grabs the lube and a condom from the nightstand and quickly prepares them (not that it's actually necessary, Ezequiel is as ready for him as he can be), and then enters him, making it rather obvious that he's not able to wait any longer.

They groan in sync when Gonzalo is all the way in, his cock pressing against Ezequiel's prostate, and the defender eagerly lifts his hips to take him even deeper.

"Fuck me," he pants hoarsely, thrusting back against Gonzalo and moaning at the delicious friction, "oh God, fuck me, fuck me…"

Gonzalo needs no second invitation. He wraps his hands around his teammate's hips to steady him, then slams into him as if someone paid him for it, taking him hard and fast until Ezequiel is a complete mess, unable to think, unable to articulate himself, unable to acknowledge anything but the intense pleasure Gonzalo is giving him.

He knows he's screaming down the house, groaning with every thrust, crying out heartfelt expletives every time Gonzalo's cock slams against his prostate and almost makes him see stars, but he can't bring himself to care. It's not as if Gonzalo is exactly quiet, either.

Far too soon, Ezequiel feels the familiar heat spread in his stomach, and there's no way back. All it takes is a couple more, well-aimed thrusts, and he can feel himself coming a second time, his whole body contracting violently as he rides out his orgasm, and an instant later Gonzalo follows him and empties himself inside Ezequiel with a loud, hoarse cry.

They collapse onto the bed, Gonzalo on top of Ezequiel, and for a while they're immobile except for their steady, frantic breathing.

Then, Gonzalo lifts himself up to dispose of the condom, which, in this case, means that he ties a knot into it and flicks it to the floor before nestling against Ezequiel again. The defender can't help grinning - though he has to admit that he would have done the same, being far too knackered to move.

"I'm sorry," Gonzalo suddenly mumbles against Ezequiel's shoulder.

Ezequiel is momentarily baffled. "What for?" Surely Gonzalo isn't apologising to him for staining his own floor with a used condom?

"You were right earlier," comes the sheepish reply. "Your goal was beautiful. It should have been you getting the reward, not me."

Ezequiel chuckles at that, prods himself up on his elbow and gives his boyfriend a bright smile. "But I did," he says, pointedly looking down at Gonzalo's spent cock. "I got the best reward ever."

The blush spreading across Gonzalo's cheeks and the sloppy, deep kiss that follows make it even better.

1 'Chori' is a nickname of Raúl Albiol.
2 Before returning to Real Madrid in 2009, Ezequiel Garay spent four seasons on loan at Racing Santander.

.football, #fanfiction, player: garay, player: higuaín

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