Aaaah, this reminds me! I still need to take a photo of those silly hats I bought! You know, the one with the pompoms. XD We should have those!! (OMG, imagine how adorable Álvaro would look wearing one of those! *dies*)
I WILL TAKE THEM TOMORROW, I PROMISE. :D Right after work. Because right now I'm in my pyjamas already and that would look even sillier. XDD
(Capslock are necessary in view of all those happy events!)
OMG, McShagger wearing a pom pom hat. I suppose I'd die laughing at first, and then I'd worship him to bits for being such a dork to wear a hat like that. XD
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(Capslock are necessary in view of all those happy events!)
OMG, McShagger wearing a pom pom hat. I suppose I'd die laughing at first, and then I'd worship him to bits for being such a dork to wear a hat like that. XD
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(There's always Photoshop. XD)
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