... it's sunday already?

Feb 08, 2009 20:42

  • It's the wonderful lhuneldaiel's birthday today, so go and shower her with wishes and compliments and gifts, she deserves it! ♥

  • Had a fantastic birthday party yesterday, probably the best in a very long time. No stress, no worries, but yummy food, interesting chats, and lots of fun with the board games we played. I enjoyed myself a lot, and from what they told me my guests did as well. :) Will do a more detailed post about the party (including pics) on Tuesday, when I'll get my final present. XD

  • On Friday, after I got home from the birthday dinner that my family had invited me to, my brother called me and told me to switch on the TV. I did, and saw a guy singing in Spanish, but I had no clue who it was. Apparently, my brother thought that just because I like Spanish music, I automatically know every Spanish musician. XD Funnily enough, the guy my brother wanted me to see turned out to be David Bisbal. *LOL* I totally didn't recognize him, but I guess that's no surprise since I'd never seen any pictures of him. I only knew his song "Torre de Babel" (which I discovered whilst watching Miguel Torres fanvids on youtube), and apparently I've never desired to find out what this guy with this intriguing voice looks like. Weird! I didn't even know he used to be a contestant of Operación Triunfo. Ah, I fail at staying up to date. Anyway, the song he performed on TV was "Silencio", which I instantly fell in love with. I've probably listened to it about 35 times since then, and I'm still not fed up with it. (If anyone wants it, let me know.) I've also been listening to the rest of the songs on "Premonición" and have decided to buy the album soon because it's fantastic.

  • Is the German football fandom on LJ dying a slow but painful death? I had actually been looking forward to having more discussions with Bayern fans after the winter break, I even took the time to post articles and match picspams at bayernmunich, but the only person who commented was stern_suedens. Where's the rest of the Bayern fans on LJ? There used to be so many! I just refuse to believe that nobody's interested in the Bundesliga anymore, especially since it's actually majorly exciting this year!

  • It might come as quite a surprise to some that even though I'm a huge fan of Steve Finnan's, I had never actually heard him speak. I once spent a whole evening browsing youtube for interviews of him, and all I found was badly-done slide shows with weird songs. Recently, I had a conversation with sophiamoon about this, and she kindly linked me to an interview Finns gave last summer, shortly before he left Liverpool, and... Well, you know I adored him before, and I didn't think it was possible for me to love him (and miss him) more, but apparently it was. The way he talks, the way he looks when he smirks, the way he says things (with so much more optimism than most people would have showed it in a situation like that), and the sound of his voice... I literally died when I watched the video. Damn, I wish we could get him back somehow. :(

  • Can someone who speaks Spanish please translate this for me? It includes Iker and the word "sexo", so I am intrigued. XD (Courtesy to ontd_football.)

.football, player: finnan, fb: bundesliga, player: casillas, lj: flist, .rl, team: fc bayern münchen, .music

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