Wow, what a busy week. I was finally given a permanent post at work, which is awesome, and I didn't even have to apply for it because my bosses love me so much, which is even more awesome. :D I have a job description now, which means that if people don't want to do their work and try to load it on me, I can refuse. Unfortunately, I still have to deal with their computer-illiteracy problems, which keeps me busy all day. It really amazes me how people can get a leading position when they have no clue about computers at all. ;)
I decided to treat myself to
this to celebrate my permanent post and congratulate myself on my hard work and persistence. :D And oh, what a nice treat it is. So warm and cuddly. :D Almost takes my mind off the intense cold and snow outside. ;)
I still haven't bought McFly's new album, but that's mostly because I'm not sure which version to buy. I don't have the money to buy all of them at the moment, so maybe you can help me choosing one. Apparently, there are three versions:
Version 1 and
Version 2 @ Townsend Records, and a
Special Edition @ that will be published on December 1st. Which one do you think I shall get? Do you have any further information about the Special Edition? I'm not too interested in remixes, so I'd choose awesome video footage over remixes any day. Also, is the DVD edition of "Lies" worth buying? I'm not so much into the song, but if the video is good, I might get it. (Where's the second part of it, though?)
Oh, and
jennis_footie, your parcel arrived!!! *bounces* I can't wait to open it! :D I shall be a good boy and wait until Christmas. :)
Speaking of Christmas, I realised yesterday that it's only a couple of weeks until the holidays, and that nearly gave me a heart attack. "Why haven't I spent one single thought on presents yet?" was my first and very alarmed thought. "Oh, right," was my second, putting a huge smile on my face. The question of who to give which Christmas gift is a really insignificant thing, isn't it, when you have a crush, a big one, one you think about 24/7 and feel awesome just because this special person is on your mind. ;) But I shall try to do some pondering about Christmas gifts soon, I promise. *makes mental note*
Now for some fandom-related stuff that I need to share with you.
- You all need to check out casi_casi glomptastic Álvaro Arbeloa picspam. Seriously. If you haven't seen it yet, check it out. Álvaro is made of awesome and deserves a lot more love in this fandom. :D
- Also, I have a total gem for you. It's not often that really talented photomanippers join the fandom, so you all need to check out velvet_toucher's absolutely gorgeous Stevie/Xabi photomanips. They might be friendslocked soon, but all you need to do is join stevieandxabi and you'll see them. It's worth it. Fantastic work. Oh, they're NOT WORKSAFE AND FOR ADULTS ONLY. Just thought I'd add that. ;)
- Athletic de Bilbao donated Football gear & balls to the children of Kiwu in the Congo region (Africa). In a sign of their deep appreciation, the kids got together to make this video clip of their group singing the club's anthem (in Basque/Euskera). And people tell me football is just a game. Pfft!
- Last but not least, I have a Pic of the Week for you, courtesy of ontd_football:
The look on his face says it all, doesn't it? XDDDD (Click for bigger.)