... no, lhun, i don't smell!

Aug 03, 2008 22:43

I just spent about an hour on the phone with lhuneldaiel, and OMG, I don't think I've had so much fun talking on the phone lately. Some of you might know that I usually hate talking on the phone because I never know what to say. Well, not this time. We had never spoken to each other before, but it was like talking to an old friend. We were giggling like idiots most of the time, it was SO awesome. XD And when we were not giggling, we were looking for a hotel to stay at when we stalk the Real boys see Real Madrid the week after next. WE CAN HAS POSH HOTEL! :D Seriously, this is the poshest (is that a word?) hotel I've ever stayed in. And it was even recommended by a Finn and a Swiss. XD I CAN'T WAIT! Is it August 10th already? *bites nails and bounces excitedly on chair*

.football, team: real madrid, lj: flist

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