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txorakeriak August 17 2007, 17:30:34 UTC
during the Ehrenrunde, they zoomed away from the match and showed him.
Hehe, yes, I figured they'd do that. I mean, nobody in the stadium actually cared what was going on on the pitch directly after Scholli was substituted. ;) All eyes were on him. The atmosphere was really amazing. :)

Ronaldinho was just *meh*

I have to think about my god-mother telling me she danced with Mehmet Scholl when Bayern was in Hamburg about hundred years ago. :P

Yeah, Mark used to play for Barcelona. I guess that's why he wasn't really that good that day. ;) He just didn't want to hurt his former teammates' feelings. XD

I loved the #7 off, #7 on. It's probably one of those great one-time moments in football. :D
OH YES! That was a truly special moment. I doubt substitutions like that are allowed in proper matches... ;)

Messi's goal was beautiful, yes. They repeated it on the big screens a couple of times and I was in awe. He really is an amazing footballer - as long as he plays fair, that is. :) As for Titi, I reproach him for having left Arsenal, because the club just isn't the same without him. They could have coped well with the loss of Ljungberg, but Titi was Arsenal and isn't that easy to replace.

Will scan the portraits tomorrow! :) *makes mental note*


misssamjones August 18 2007, 18:13:18 UTC
I doubt substitutions like that are allowed in proper matches... ;)
Probably not. :P Aber Hitzfeld hat dem Mähmet wohl auch total Narrenfreiheit gegeben. Er meinte nur: "Mach was du machen willst, heute darfst du alles." Hihi. ♥

Yeah, Titi was Arsenal, he still is, and he said he will always have the club in his heart (I will never doubt that) and I slowly start accepting the fact that he left us. Which player doesn't want to play for such a big club as Barcelona once in his career? And Titi was loyal for so long and I think it is great of most Gunners fans that they let him leave, still in hope that he will return one day. Titi can't be replaced, he was a player of one kind and he will be missed, but we still manage to win without him. :)
As for Freddie, losing him as a player is surely not as tough as it was with Titi, because he was injured for almost the complete last season and we wasn't really in form as he used to be, when he did play. But we will lose a great personality, he played 9 years in the Arsenal jersey and he was a true Gunner. It makes me so sad to see him play for West Ham now, but I can completely understand that. He is first choice there, has an almost set place in the starting line and he gets to play. He slowly became a bench warmer at Arsenal and the best Premier League player of 2002 doesn't deserve that.
So losing Freddie as a player isn't that bad, while losing his personality and the man Fredrik Ljungberg is bad, really bad and very sad. *sighs* Ok, stop of this comment. :P

Just one last note: Thanks a lot for the scans! I love them, if the yearbook is on sale here, I'll get it. ;) (I have the last two Bremen year books and I love how much of fangirls the writers were. ;) Plus all the slashy pictures, I might need to scan some of them later. XDD)


txorakeriak August 26 2007, 07:17:29 UTC
Yeah, that's about what I meant, too. Titi was Arsenal (or is Arsenal) in the sense of football. Wenger's tactics focused on him, the others supported him during the match. It's certainly difficult now that the target of this focus is gone. They have to develop new tactics (and get accustomed to them), which takes time... Ljungberg had become a benchwarmer, which - as you say - isn't what he deserves because he's a good player. So he supported Arsenal more with his personality than his play - which is fine, of course, he did it well, and people directly link him to Arsenal, but which also makes it easier to replace him on the pitch.

Hehe, if you have the chance to get your hands on a yearbook, DO IT! :D


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