wip meme...

Aug 09, 2006 19:37

Just so I don't lose track of all my WIPs, I decided to take part in that WIP meme which I found a while ago on LJ. Alas, I didn't save the link, so I have no clue what it actually said, but I remember that it was about telling people about one's works in progress and quoting from it.

That's what I'm hereby doing. If you're interested in any of my WIPs, just click the cut. And maybe there's even something you remember. :D Oh, and some of those WIPs are collabs with daath666/jedipirate, black_claw and hils. Just thought I'd mention that. :)

And since I'm a total sucker when it comes to continuing stuff, please be patient with me. Comments are appreciated, though. :)

My current WIPs:

Working title: A Change in the Winds
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Sparrington
Final rating: NC-17

When Commodore Norrington entered his office on the following day, after the Dauntless' arrival back in Port Royal, he saw an envelope lying on his desk, on top of all the papers to sign which had accumulated during his absence. And the moment he saw it, he already knew what it would mean for him. The King simply could not accept the loss of a valuable ship like the Interceptor, he had to cut his losses.

And who was he, James Norrington, to complain about it? Sparrow and Turner had commandeered the ship because of his own men's carelessness, which directly fell back on Norrington as their commodore. He was responsible for the abduction and everything it entailed, up to the Interceptor's destruction by Barbossa's crew.
Be honest with yourself, James, he thought. It was more than correct to make him account for it.

So this was it now, Commodore James Norrington's last day.


Working title: Where Your Heart Truly Lies
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairings: Sparrington
Final rating: NC-17

Seated in a comfortable armchair opposite Norrington, Jack slowly sipped the brandy, trying to find a way to start a conversation without simply attacking the other man with questions.

"I was told we were friends once," he finally started, eyeing Norrington curiously. And if he wasn't completely mistaken, the Commodore almost winced at those words. A surprising sight, and rather worrisome.

"Yes… yes. We were. We… served together." Norrington cleared his throat. "You moved to Old Providence then to settle down. With your wife."


Working title: 21st Century Sparrington
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairings: Sparrington
Final rating: NC-17

Jack didn’t take his eyes from his hands, or from the ring he was looking at, as he said, almost casually, “Ye want to marry me, James?”

James stared at him, not sure if his ears had betrayed him. “W- what?”

Finally, Jack looked up to him, a quite devilish smile on his face. “I tell ye what - if we were pirates, you and me, we could do it. Officially.”

“Officially,” James repeated helplessly, unable to cease staring. Jack wasn’t only imaginative. He was definitely mad.


Working title: Chain of Command
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean
Pairing: Gillington
Final rating: NC-17

Norrington stood in front of the desk, his face showing distress. "Look at it," he said. Slowly, Gillette's eyes moved to the document Norrington had just put on the table; it was a letter to the Governor of Nassau that he had copied about half an hour ago.

"Do you see that?"

"What?" Gillette asked, guilt crawling up inside him. Was there something wrong?

Norrington took the first page out of the folder and held it in front of Gillette's worrying face. Three words were marked with black ink. "The ink is smudged in three places - and two of the smudges are, I believe, badly concealed spelling errors."


Working title: none so far
Fandom: Pirates of the Caribbean (crack)
Pairings: Will/Elizabeth, Sparrington
Final rating: R

Elizabeth was a woman of grace and dignity, but there were occasions when she thought it better not to be. And so she found herself peeping and eavesdropping behind the heavy red curtains.

The brave and dashing Commodore had a visitor. Not just any visitor, mind you, but the great Captain Jack Sparrow, the perfect image of a rogue and libertine. And they were doing most unspeakable things.

When they reached their blissful oblivion, Elizabeth soon felt all empty inside. Her former fiancé, from what she could tell from the pirate's lustful cries, was in every sense of the word built like a horse.


Working title: Captain Schnitzel and the Curse of the Magic Parrots
Fandoms: Pirates of the Caribbean, Bavarian history (crack)
Pairing: Governor Swann/OMC
Final rating: PG-13, probably

Governor Swann had a hard time to fall asleep that night.

He dreamt of treasure islands, the legend of Captain Schnitzel, and a parrot sitting on his windowsill for no reason at all. Strangely enough, all he remembered from his dream when he woke up was the parrot, which was at the very moment shitting on his un-bewigged head. So that hadn't been a dream...


Working title: none so far
Fandoms: Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars (crack)
Pairings: Vader/Palpatine, Sparrington
Final rating: PG-13, probably

“Master! It is important!” Vader was very tempted to find out if he could use the mind choke on a Sith Lord as well, but something inside him told him that it was better to decide against it. Another time. Not when they were about to be roasted alive.

Palpatine sighed. “You better have a good reason for disturbing my beauty sleep,” he hissed. Angrily, he cast his pillows and blankets aside and stepped out of his comfortable bed, naked as he was born - if he was ever born at all, which was a bit hard to tell, really. He grabbed a red gown from the chair next to his bed and dressed. “Well? What is it?”

“Master, one of the engines is on fire,” Vader reported. “We have to prepare for an emergency landing.”


Working title: Making Sunsets Last
Fandom: Lord of the Rings
Pairings: Elladan/Elrohir
Final rating: PG-13

Elrohir gave his brother a questioning look. "You... you mean..." He didn't even know how to ask it.

"Yes," Elladan said, smiling. "He won't find us here. This is our place. Our secret place." Even though his face still showed the sadness he felt inside because of their father's disapproval, his eyes were glowing with happiness as he moved closer to his twin and softly caressed his arm through the thin tunic. "We belong together, you know. We're meant to be. I'm sure of it."


Working title: Aberratio Ictus
Fandoms: Ultraviolet, Equilibrium
Pairings: Colefield/Partridge
Final rating: PG-13, probably

"Who is this offender?" was Partridge's first question, clear and pragmatic words that made it impossible to draw a conclusion as to the Librian's enthusiasm towards their assignment.

"Jack Beresford," Colefield answered, and his voice reflected his own enthusiasm very clearly. "He used to be a good friend of mine before he changed sides."

"They assume your feelings are too strong to eliminate him?"

The detective sergeant gave his new partner a suspicious look. What did they teach their agents in Libria? Psychoanalysis?


Working title: none so far
Fandoms: Sharpe, Lady Chatterley
Pairings: Sharpe/Mellors
Final rating: PG-13, perhaps

Sometimes, Oliver Mellors did not know what to do with his memories. They swept over him occasionally, leaving him dull and morose, and were gone with the wind the next day, just to return again.

Most of the time, he thought about his life abroad, as a soldier. India, Egypt, then India again. The blind, thoughtless life with the horses. The colonel who had loved him and whom he had loved. The several years that he had been an officer, a lieutenant with a very fair chance of being a captain. He hadn't wanted to become one, at the end, not after the colonel's death. He had to go back to England to be a working man again.

Also, anyone interested in betaing that Elladan/Elrohir ficlet? *puppy dog eyes*

moving pics: pirates of the caribbean, fic: writing, moving pics: star wars, media: lord of the rings, fic: beta reading

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