fanfic: A Merely Professional Discussion

Oct 21, 2005 00:29

Title: A Merely Professional Discussion
Author: txorakeriak
Fandom: The Libertine RPS
Pairing: Johnny Depp/Jack Davenport, Rochester/Harris implied if you squint
Rating: PG-13 for real person slash
Disclaimer: I’m fairly certain none of this actually happened, so don’t sue me.
Summary/Author's Notes: An interlude on the set of “The Libertine”, written for sandssavvyRead more... )

actor: depp, actor: davenport, history: rochester, #fanfiction

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jedipirate October 20 2005, 22:47:52 UTC
omg! OMG! I love you!

*glomps all over you and the fic*

(Although the fact that I keep imagining Johnny also wearing that ridiculous prosthetic nose takes away just slightly. =P)


txorakeriak October 20 2005, 22:51:19 UTC
Whee! Well - consider how close to each other they're standing. Nose? Not really. ;)
Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked! And of course I love you too! *glomps back twice, for fic and me*


jedipirate October 22 2005, 20:58:19 UTC
I keep staring at that picture. And entirely inappropriate thoughts keep going through my head. (big surprise?)

I mean... look at the way they're standing. Look at Johnny's head in relation to Jack...


I can't even see that Jack is wearing pants. And what exactly is he holding there?

=X *yanks brain out of the gutter*


jedipirate October 23 2005, 07:47:21 UTC
My brain fell back into the gutter... And now you're going to have to read my RPS. I'm not sure about it. *pushes you in that direction"


txorakeriak October 23 2005, 19:37:10 UTC
I have to put your mind in the gutter more often. o_O


jedipirate October 23 2005, 19:40:16 UTC
*g* It doesn't seem to take much.


txorakeriak October 23 2005, 19:41:02 UTC
And it gives a lot. :D


jedipirate October 23 2005, 19:44:21 UTC
lol. XD


txorakeriak October 23 2005, 19:36:44 UTC
Oh yes. Yes. And - yes. That's one picture of HUGE guh-ness. Like - woah. Jack's not wearing any pants, of course. I have no clue what he's holding, but that doesn't matter with the look Johnny gives him - and his slouching position. *dies of guh*


jedipirate October 23 2005, 19:42:25 UTC
*licks lips, but avoids the pic and its ultimate result of death*

sooo teh yumminess.

*calls Drakey, who grumbles and zaps you from his bedroom door*


txorakeriak October 23 2005, 19:44:27 UTC
You can resist? *is proud*

And - whee! *is alive again* You know, I always feel bad when someone has to call Drakey for me. I know what he's missing everytime he has to zap someone back to life...


jedipirate October 23 2005, 20:43:59 UTC
It takes a lot of effort. *nods*

I know, I feel guilty too. One of these days, I'm afraid he'll refuse. =P


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