men with eyeliner - picspam...

Jun 03, 2005 22:14

rightclicklick had that most brilliant theme recently - "men with eyeliner". And since men with eyeliner are one of my greatest weaknesses, I thought I'd share the gorgeousness with you...

Under the cut are pictures of:
  • Colin Firth (+2)
  • Francisco Bosch (+3)
  • Hayden Christensen (+5)
  • Ian Somerhalder (+2)
  • Ioan Gruffudd (+2)
  • James Marsters (+3)
  • Jared Leto (+5)
  • Read more... )

actor: depp, actor: leto, actor: gruffudd, actor: christensen, #picspam

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axmxz June 5 2005, 16:45:59 UTC
De gustibus non est disputandum of course, but to me, Johnny Depp stands out from this crowd like a gazelle from a cow herd.


ex_galadhir June 5 2005, 17:05:01 UTC
I'd agree with that. It really doesn't work on some of these blokes at all, IMO, but it improves Johnny Depp no end :)


axmxz June 5 2005, 18:29:06 UTC
It's in the facial structure. He's so delicate that make-up improves him like it would improve a woman. But the more masculine a guy's face, the sillier make-up looks on him. And half of these guys have square jaws. Whereas Depp looks angelically asexual: even with facial hair, it's unclear whether he's a man or a woman in drag.


txorakeriak June 6 2005, 15:29:49 UTC
Now you made me curious... Which ones doesn't the eyeliner suit? :)


ex_galadhir June 6 2005, 17:20:48 UTC
To be honest, I don't think it suits any of them except him. Francisco Bosch looks good in it only because he is indistinguishable from a girl. The others, I don't know, I feel that they don't look natural in it. I mean, they look as though they're playing 'lets pretend'. Spike is probably the best of the bunch, cos he carries it as if he wears it all the time. Do you know what I mean? There's something very self consious and embarrassed about the others (though maybe I'm projecting ;) )


txorakeriak June 7 2005, 12:43:53 UTC
I think I see what you mean. Well, it depends, I guess, if you're a fan of eyeliner on men or if you think it fits better to people who have an androgynous look already. Maybe you'd find it appropriate with Brian Molko (from Placebo), too. ;)

However, I wouldn't say they're pretending. I think wearing eyeliner doesn't mean you have a certain definition of life, different from others'. It's just a style, and I wish more men would dare it. ;) But that's only because I'm obsessed with men wearing eyeliner.


ex_galadhir June 7 2005, 12:55:55 UTC
I rather approve of it in principle, being an early-medieval reenactor - Viking men used to wear eyeliner, and I'd like to see some of my friends in the society try it.

But it's rather like the difference between wearing clothes and wearing 'a costume' - I get a feeling that these men are posing in it, they're not at ease in it. If you see what I mean.


txorakeriak June 7 2005, 13:30:14 UTC
But it's rather like the difference between wearing clothes and wearing 'a costume'
Oh, I see now what you mean! Most of them wouldn't wear it on the streets, of course, and that's what makes it a bit sad, but still, I daresay that there are others apart from Johnny, who would. Jared Leto, definitely.


supes_ June 7 2005, 22:57:39 UTC
i feel like jonathan rhys-meyers would too, probably. but maybe i'm just associating him too much with brian slade.

he does seem to have a bit of a feminine way he caries himself, though, that's wholly his, unrelated to the characters hew might play...


txorakeriak June 6 2005, 15:21:19 UTC
Hmm - I wouldn't say that. Take Tim Curry, for example. His role as the transvestite Frank N. Furter was simply amazing - and look what the eyeliner made of him! ;)

But you're right. De gustibus non est disputandum. ;)


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