Apr 12, 2010 13:48
Highlight of the weekend?
Standing on a reproduction of an Elizabethan stage and going into stance with a REAL 16th century rapier in my hands...YES, a really, REAL 400 and something year old rapier. It was in beautiful condition. I think I might have teared up a bit...
Richard G actually allowed us to actually pick up and hold a few of his 16th -19th century rapiers, crossbows and guns at his showing of his private collection at Lysts at Castleton. He also had out Conquistador armor, a book printed in 1603, a 3000 year old mummfied hawk, a couple of suits of full armor and other delightful items. Sadly Richard couldn't be there himself to tell all the stories behind the items; but still for him to let us see these things close up with no glass between us AND to allow us to touch and hold (with acid free gloves on of course) the items. *SIGH*
Oh and we had real wood lance Jousting for the first time too. Sounds a lot different then the foam safety lances, much more full plate armor on the riders, it spooked some of the horses a bit.
It was one of those days...the SCA is really cool to be a part of.