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Mar 12, 2009 08:16

So Im lookin at goin into the army if I get into nursing school.  Sent out an Email to a recruiter cause I had some questions, from his reply and from the Army websites looks like they pay for the two years Ill be in school if I do an accelerated program Ill owe them 5 years, if I have em pay for just the last year Ill owe them 4.  In return they pay tuition with a monthly $1000 stipend.  Once I hit active duty Id be a 2cd Lt with a starting salary of just under $32,000 a year pluss bonuses.  Looks like I could expect roughly $5,000 to $10,000 in bonuses for the BSN degree and the BMS degree Im earning now, might be more for the nursing one but didnt see it.  Thats on top of any Enlistment bonuses I get which go up to $40K but I think Id prolly be doing good to get $20k, though looks like for the nursing program Id get $30K.   Id also get a $250 monthly allowance for family seperation if me an Sami are married by then.  On top of that once Im active duty they feed an house me, full health, dental, and life insurance.  Id get hollidays and weekends free with some reservations, and 30 days vacation a year.  I could do basic at a base thats roughly 2 hours from Shrevport so Id still be close to Sami and maybe I got get an assignment there while Samis finishing her PhD in the two years after I get out of nursing school.  Theres also special saving accounts that take the money from my pay and put them into savings before any taxes are withheld so Id save even more money.  Asside from those saving accounts they also have other services and incentives that I didnt see clearly defined to help buy a house.  So if I did things right utilized all the services they offer and save my money I should be able to put more than the down payment on a house when I get out.  If Sami gets an MD and I get nurse anesthisiologist certified while in the army we should be able to pay off a house fairly quickly from that starting point.  If I spend some time volunteering for animal shelters an such and maybe find a way to get some clinical experiance I may also be able to get into veterinary school after I get out of the army and I might be able to get the army to pay for all or part of it, at the very least though I would get instate tuition at any vet school I manage to get into which save a pretty significant chunk of money especialy if the other vet schools are like CSU where once an outa stater always an outa stater is the rule for vet school.  So all in all I think it looks like a pretty good deal, give me something to do while Samis in MD school an doesnt have time to deal with me lol an Ill get a fair bit of money out of it an be able to save a lot more of it than I otherwise could.  I just need to look inot what the housing would be like so I can figure out what Id need to do about all my critters.  Im sure Id have to find someone to whatch em while I was in basic, but my understanding is that for officers they have small houses on the bases to live in an in that case I should be able to just take my critters with me as long as Im in the US.  If I end up overseas Ill have to figure somin out.  Maybe Sean can take care of em since hell be outa school by then.

Telephone Romeo- Jason Boland an the Straglers

We kept part and connected by the same stretch of road
And I’m tired of packin’ round this heavy load
It started out a stream but then the levee fell
When the rain maker had some extra seeds to sell

Well I just thought id call and see what’s going on
Did the hill country flatten out since I’ve been gone
Are the fields all painted up in red and blue
Are you thinking of me the times I’m thinking of you

Well I just wanna drink ‘til I’m not thirsty
And I just wanna sleep ‘til I’m not tired
I just wanna drive till I run out of money
I don’t wanna be no Romeo on the telephone wire

Could we dream up a reason for a rendezvous
The Yanks are in town and we got nothing to do
You’re neighbors are gone and you’re feeling alone
You can’t kiss somebody on the telephone

Did you go out last night and was it just a friend
Would you care if I showed up there at 6:00 am
Drive all day with the top pulled down
We could stay in all night or we could paint the town


I guess I better go now it’s getting too late
There’s a party downstairs and I thought I heard something break
I bid you goodnight and hope to see you soon
Maybe later on this afternoon

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