Apr 29, 2006 13:06
Well its time for an update I guess. I am of course in Albuquerque and have been for a month. I am staying in a hotel until I can find my own place and I am yet again working for Xentel. Hardly anyone I knew before I left is here anymore but I guess thats ok. I will just make new friends. Until then I will just keep to myself and make some money. I got back in contact with mike and eric again and we all plan to meet up again sometime in the near future. My boss is trying to dick me around because of who my friends were at the other office. I hate fucking work politics. Just let me do my job okay? I am very bored with the single life and and am so ready to settle down its not even funny. I talked to Megan sometime ago and she said it was very ironic I was in this moss because when we were together thats all she wanted. Grrr.. Oh well. I wish my special someone would come alone sometime soon because I need some cuddles dammit. Anyone interested?