Mar 20, 2009 18:03
1. Today went by pretty darn fast. I forgot about half of my homework so I ended up doing it in the class I had right before the homework was due. I am SUPER prepared. I thought we were gonna have a geometry test today but we had a practice test instead. Woot!
2. Speaking of Woot, I finished reading Audrey, Wait! today and OMFG it was fan-fucking-tastic! Unbelievable. I am SO glad i ended up buying it for only $4 like in January? I'm not really sure what I'll read next...probably Hunted...maybe.
3. My friend and I reconciled! Super double woot! I am so glad too because no one "get's me" like she does. They don't understand why I find things funny or get my jokes but my Tay always does! And yes I'm possesive over her. That's why she's MY Taylor. And for those of you out there rolling their eyes thinking "You should have dropped that bitch" You don't get our friendship. Without even realizing it, whenever one of us gets in the trend of being a craptastic friend the other has to be HARSH. Not violent...but strong language, and help get them back in line. That's what I did to Tay. Her priorities are all striaight now. Oh and sorry to those of you caught in the crossfire *shrugs* I deal with everyone else's drama everyday. My turn don't you think? SOOO no complaining you hear? Comprende?
4. Since we're bestest friends we're going to a Borders party! This will be our third one. It's for the release of the Twilight DVD. So of course tomorrow I'll post "Borders Adventures Part Two" Or some shit. I just know we're gonna have a blast!
5. I don't have Saturday school tomorrow so Tay is gonna stay over TWO count 'em TWO. Nights! Tomorrow night is the dance so I'm uber excited about that too. Yeah yeah I said uber. So?! I like me some old timey slang. haha.
Peace-out girl scouts!
friday five