
Jan 19, 2007 09:22

We seriously chose the worst weekend in the world to move... BUT we're here now! We got our stuff here and I finally have Dish network and Internet again. I'm so spoiled by DVR... I don't even like watching TV but Caden was probably getting bored with my silly singing and games. He waves hi to everyone now. It takes me an hour and a half to get a few things at home depot cuz I have the cutest baby in the world who just happens to be the most social baby in the world (go figure- wonder who he gets that from) so now EVERYone has to come see my big blue eyed baby and say "HIIIIIIII" ok- so I love it secretly... We're both doin pretty well tolerating the smaller townhome living and he's been sleeping better (even though he still hasn't shown anymore teeth!) We're going to be having a birthday party for him. I can't believe he's almost a year old... The only thing crazier than knowing he's a year old is knowing just as quickly, I'm another year older. I hope this next year is a bit more uneventful. Time to enjoy him before he turns 2! DUN DUN DUN. Anyhow- we're having a party for him The Saturday after Valentines Day. That's Feb. 17th from 1:30-3:30. We've rented out the clubhouse here at the new place and I figured it's a good excuse to eat cake! I got Caden his little mini cake to play in. The first birthday is more pictures and a good excuse for everyone else to get together and have a glass of wine? right? ;) Anyone that would like to stop by(Whether you have kids or not!) let me know and I'll give you directions. We're right here at George Bush and 75. Alright- back to unpacking.
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