(no subject)

Dec 22, 2006 10:10

So marty broke a blood vessel in his eye about 4 days ago and it looks nasty!! It's worse than any one I have ever seen! I think today it finally started looking 'better' as oppoed to 'still getting worse.' We treat them all the time in the optometrist office so it's not like it's anything new to me. But I told him he needed to go have it checked out cuz I didn't know if maybe he had conjunctivitis or some sort of infection. We took a picture of it night before last- hehe I feel bad for him though cuz his job is out in the field- sales... It's one of those things where you're talking to someone and they're not really looking at your face as much as they are your eye hehe. I hate that crap! Like when you have a big zit and you feel paranoid. hehe but yeah here's the pic:
*although I bet a lot of you see the pic first and then go WTF -- scroll up -- and end up reading this journal entry ha! GUILTY! except for maybe one true dedicated reader out there (who's most likely a 57year old divorced guy living in Idaho) On a completely different note- yet the same paragraph since my return key on my laptop is broken and the on the screen keyboard is way too much work,- Here's Caden's newest photo album we made this morning. It was pajama day at his school- or "Polar Express" day. http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2097765589 He's the cutest kid in the whole world! He's ALMOST walking can you believe it?! He can get around holding on to things without a problem... He just turned 10 months old and he's going to be walking... UGH why couldn't he be one of those kiddos that waits until like 16 months to walk... that would be so much easier! Of course he has to be the lil over achiever! Well I hope everyone has a fantastic christmas and I'll leave you with one last picture of our first christmas tree as a little family.

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